More: ISIS

KHORASAN: Where DAESH, Caspian Energy, and Great Power Politics Meet

The word on the street in Afghanistan is that the United States created DAESH to be a problem for Russia, China, and Iran. While...

ISIS Expansion hits a Dead-end

It's been a year since ISIS declared its caliphate, which is a form of an Islamic government headed by a political and religious successor...

State of confusion on the edge of total collapse

Four years of fighting and no concrete solutions coming from regional, international actors or organizations, not a single action and agreement reached so far...

Blue Peace in the Middle East

With Iraq, Syria, Yemen and Palestine crises making daily headlines in the Middle East, it is easy to forget about the structural challenges that...

Situation Urgent and Serious

As we all read and assess and experience the last years the crisis all around the World are too many and overwhelming heading to...

Jihadi Janes and Johns: The Seduction of the Islamic State for ‘Westerners’

Media outlets and government circles cringe when trying to understand why Westerners leave the West to go fight in Syria and Iraq with the...

Tribalism and the hijacking of the Islamic Faith

What do Afghanistan, Somalia, Saudi Arabia, Mali, northern Nigeria, Pakistan's tribal areas and Yemen have in common? They all have Muslim...

“Top Secret” Turkey is No Secret

In 2013, Turkey hosted about a dozen conferences on cyber security and new technologies to counter cyber threats. In a speech at the end...


The Chinese Triads in Southeast Asia: ASEAN Endeavour in Undertaking TOC

As the century goes by, criminal activities have gone...

Health Aid and Global Influence: Balancing Diplomacy, Development, and Equity

Health aid operates at the intersection of diplomacy, humanitarianism,...

Trump Import Tariffs Causing Chaos

It is far from usual to question the sanity...

