Creating A Dozen China

Economic intellectualism, the guardian of the global economy for decades, is now openly challenged.

National Grassroots Prosperity, when barren, charred, and on wildfires, while restless citizens are in chaos, as in over 100 free economies today, is not because of the absence of wealth; it is the absence of productivity. Economic intellectualism, the guardian of the global economy for decades, is now openly challenged.  

Productivity is rooted in the ‘physicality’ of ‘work,’ the old models, once successful when jobs were created to provide decent living and not today’s mere survival. Such challenges today extend well beyond the realm of economic literature and games of theorems. The ‘mentality of performance’ is a new global Human Resource Management driver.

Economic development at large is a re-examination of everything that has already happened rather than predicting what is about to happen. This fact-based limitation and fear of risks is a common academic job-seek-mindset trap when tabulating the present in the cautionary hope of reading the future.

In contrast, the entrepreneurial, out-of-the-box, risk-taking, job-creator mindset thrives on it. Such dramatic differences where decades get wasted, and economies crash, generations miss goals. This now not only creates a divide between economic intellectualism and entrepreneurial mysticism but raises serious questions on how fast the world has advanced on so many global fronts but visibly failed on the economic strategies, visibly damaged with little or no progress across 3/4 of the world now in grips fiscal chaos.

Entrepreneurial mysticism is only known to humankind as a source of creating a three-dimensional, living, and breathing metamorphosis, where a tiny unknown enterprise transforms into a Godzilla-size, global giant and changes the face of the nation forever. Academic economics have visibly failed to show any command and control over such breeding grounds.

If they knew, they would have easily created a dozen, China.

The global limitations of performance on economic thought and its pragmatic applications in today’s behavioral economic subsets are not due to academic elitism; instead, they stem from a lack of risk-averse job-creator mindsets away from the futuristic demands of creating entrepreneurial nations where they can create oceans of SMEs to allow growth of Godzilla-size globally giant enterprises and develop a culture of micro-trade, micro-exports, and micro-manufacturing.

This is how the world’s first-ever nation, the USA, created the largest economy and the largest and longest-thriving middle class. It has been adopted and modified to socialistic entrepreneurialism in China, and this is exactly where India and dozens of other nations are headed.

Today’s world is spinning toward broader global trade, relying heavily on entrepreneurial decisions rather than the colonial-era economic studies of the past—more on Google.

Even if the above assertions are incorrect, they should not close the doors for open debates. Silence now indicates a fear of exposing levels of competencies. In search of immediate solutions, no matter what, the times call for action; the Expothon narratives are now opening new global debates. The urgency and action are paramount.

Why is Expothon Worldwide, a global platform for entrepreneurial innovation and authority on National Mobilization of SME protocols, now so focused on 100 countries? Why is it challenging to use new narratives and deployable methodologies for all massive SME sectors within the GCC, OIC, European Union, African Union, Commonwealth, BRICS, and ASEAN for national mobilization of entrepreneurialism as immediately applicable pragmatic solutions?

The Trumpization of America will create global entrepreneurial shockwaves, sometimes sweeping away traditional systems and deeply entrenched bureaucracies of economic models based on procedural entrapments.

American Liberation from the Games of Economic Theorems

If Trump and his team survive politically, it will change the global order of governance to focus on entrepreneurial models rather than complex theoretical frameworks and mere rubber stamping. This situation represents an open clash of economic intellectualism and a stage for entrepreneurial mysticism. Let the games begin.

Economic development without entrepreneurship leads to economic destruction. There is no political power without economic power, and soon, there will be no nation with peaceful citizenry unless political leadership can visibly demonstrate its control and capability to manage its economic development strategies, procedures, and budgets.

Expothon is leading the charge on the national mobilization of entrepreneurialism, nation-by-nation, and inviting national political and economic intelligentsia in anticipation of the 4B Factor.

The “4B” Factor is an extraordinary shift in the global job market. Four billion people have been displaced due to the pandemic, a billion have been replaced by automation, and a billion have been mismatched, where their talents no longer match the tasks. According to the United Nations, a billion are on the hunger watch list.

Study how physical human labor was essential for advancing the economic race during the agro-industrial era. Similarly, today, a unique brilliance of human minds is required to create digital societies and develop new methods of economic growth.

Politics run by Machiavellianism and economy by games of theorems have brought Western economies to their knees. No further proof is required. Economic project 2025: result-driven-non-stop-hyper-performance

Make your nation great, think well and express well, and work on creating value-added productivity. 

Dysfunctional governments were openly visible but fully protected by their Court Jesters; the weaponized media, across over 100 countries they advanced, played the games of checkers on dog-whistle politics and never realized how one day the global public woke up with stick in hand.

Addicted to creating debt economies, the sharp-accounting bureaucrats, protected by addicted to Fakeism, mesmerized by Wokeism, ignored all the rules and national citizenry and forgot laws.

This situation necessitates deep, collaborative discussions with authoritative insight on the advanced subject matter of national citizenry, which represents the biggest natural resource of free economies and is, in most cases, underutilized.

The rest is easy.

Naseem Javed
Naseem Javed
Naseem Javed, a Canadian born in a printing publishing family of small merchants, settled over two centuries surrounding the Red Fort in Chandni Chowk, Delhi, India. Educated and raised in Karachi, Pakistan, and arrived in Canada fifty years ago. He spent years at the 1976 Montreal Summer Olympics and learned how to create and develop global-stature organizations and events. Acquired global experiences, serviced dozens of Fortune 500 companies as a senior advisor over 25 years, and learned how to commercialize, monetize, and popularize complex ideas globally. Later, in 2000, Naseem took a sabbatical when he noticed markets lost the art of value creation and adopted value manipulation when one million dollar turnover factories traded as 100 million dollar operations in stock exchanges. He took all his high-value knowledge and experiences, placed them in a shoe box, and almost free for the world's 100 million Small and Medium Enterprises. He developed The National Mobilization of Entrepreneurialism Protocols. The rest is history. Now highlighted as a corporate philosopher, the Chair of Expothon Worldwide, and recognized authority on new economic thinking, where the mobilization of small and medium business entrepreneurialism is tabled as the savior of already struggling economies. Expothon has been sharing weekly information with some 2,000 senior officials at the Cabinet level in around 100 countries for the last 50 to 100 weeks. The narratives are an open challenge to current economic development and offer pragmatic solutions and new thinking on mobilizing the untapped talents of the national citizenry. He is a world-class speaker and author, gaining global attention.