In a now all too common narrative, Indian COAS General Upendra Dwivedi has blamed Pakistan for hosting 80% of the so-called ‘remaining terrorists’ in India Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK). For decades now, India likes to portray itself as the victim while continuously trying to tarnish Pakistan’s image; causing people to turn a blind eye to the brutality inflicted on Kashmir and other regions. With such allegations, which have been completely baseless, not only misleading about Pakistan’s fight against terrorism but also trying to save India’s worst atrocities in IIOJK.
On the ground, innocent people of Kashmir especially the youth have to live under the constant fear of being arrested, shot dead extra judicially, tortured or being harassed systematically. Told through testimonies of rape, forced disappearance, and targeted violence against civil society, the Resistance disguises a repression regime under the fight against terrorism. The baseless charges against Pakistan are not only regretful indicators of the infantile behavior at the top leadership levels in India but show the most base level and command mechanics of aggression in terms of political strategy that is the most primitive of all possible tactics in order to distract attention from aggressive pressures elsewhere in the world.
More than a decade of counter-terrorism record of Pakistan is unblemished. The elimination from the FATF Grey List in October 2022 proves further strong actions it has implemented to address terror financing and money laundering. World bodies have woken up to this reality and Pakistan’s fights against terrorism have been recognized thus giving India’s unfounded claims very little elbow room. On the other hand, the Indian judicial system most of the times does not bother to prosecute terrorists involved in barbaric acts of terror. The release of Swami Aseemanand who had been charged with carrying out Ajmer Dargah blast, Mecca Masjid blast and Sajhaudha Express tragedy shows that the system is only patronizing terror.
In a dossier published in 2020 regarding charges against Pakistan, India unveiled it was supporting terrorist organizations like BLA, BRA, BLF, and TTP. The disclosures rather vividly underpin that India for long has continued the proxy war targeting Pakistan through acts of terrorism. Similarly, the arrest and trial of the RAW operative Commander Kulbhushan Yadav revealing conspiracy to conduct acts of terror in Pakistan, are quite undeniable for Indians.
The hypocrisy of India is also reflected when it tried to sabotage the trials of 26/11 Mumbai attacks. Instead of helping in charging and convicting the criminals involved in the tit-for-tat Bombay attacks, India hid crucial information and deliberately pre-Cincinnati politicized the issue to bend Pakistan judiciary and use the heinous tragedy for defamation. However, Indian diabolism is not limited to Pakistan as open source material suggests that New Delhi has been instrumental in supporting militant groups in Afghanistan and rejuvenating its efforts to scuttle development projects in the region including the CPEC.
This is not a coincidence; it is a part of a larger strategic strategy in which those who wield power systematically seek to pass the buck and break free from control helms. India creates disinformation campaigns with targeting Pakistan as a culprit, whilst it can remain nonchalant regarding regional peace and security issues. Therefore, Pakistan must come out strongly to call on the international community to peel the mask off India and forcefully compel the leadership of the country to desist on the sponsored acts of destruction in the region.
India needs to clean up terrorism credentials within its region rather then indulge in these baseless accusations. From the remaining disturbances of Gujarat riots to the present day affliction of the people of Kashmir, India has been an exterminator of human rights and terrorism. India has till now used propaganda as its weapon of aggression; however, truth cannot be suppressed forever.
The world has to act. India’s state-terrorism and fomenting terrorism in other countries, its disinformation campaigns, and its attempts to scuttle peace and prosperity in South Asia must not be further encouraged. The world has seen that Pakistan is quite serious about regional stability; it is now time the world reciprocate and put pressure on India. That is what truth and justice should expect.