
The BRICS bank: Future of Finances

Few disputed the unfair weightings in the IMF and World Bank of the BRICS companies. But Rajat Nag, a former Managing Director of the...

The Woman With Two Shadows

To the scenic world at large that are still suffering in silence, I say, break the silence; add a visible, outspoken voice. There are...

Mongolia: dancing between the bear and the dragon

Since the establishment of a democracy in Mongolia following the collapse of the Soviet Union, foreign interests have attempted to reassert control over the...

Hegemonic Power and Varieties of Neoliberalism

In a lecture delivered in Vienna in 1935, the German philosopher Edmund Husserl expressed an anxiety concerning the contemporary predicament of European humanity in...

Orange Is the New Black: should we laugh at women prisoners?

“I find it amusing as well as serious” – Thanyathon, a friend of mine gave out her opinion on Netflix’s TV series Orange is...

Cyberspace and Underworld

Legal frameworks, institutional provisions, different forms of cyberspace and of cybercrime underworld, non-governmental and state actors, costs evaluation, basic ethical issues on piracy –...

A Bipolar Self-Portrait

The reason I am writing this is to help someone who is in the same situation where I found myself eighteen years ago, so...

In Praise of the Sleeping Woman as a Prophet -Part 2

Can we take violence from the magical design in the beauty of rain? The violence that we find within ourselves, on...

Blood Knot: Sleeping Woman as a Prophet, Part 1

I will not smile because that is not what attracts you to me. Instead it is fire. Instead it is sitting in the school...

Church Diplomacy: Greece, Russia and Beyond

The Syriza-dominated government is a loner in the EU. However, not far away, there is Russia, a country that is ready to give an...
