
Saudi Arabia and Iran: A Balance of Power

The execution of Sheikh Nimr al Nimr by Saudi Arabia is heating up the Cold War in the Middle East. The tension between Saudi...

5 Scenarios for South Sudan

On 22 January, just over 25 months after the start of the civil war in South Sudan, the scheduled formation of the Transitional Government...

The likely war between Iran and Saudi Arabia

With a view to better understanding what might happen in the future between the Shi’ite Republic of Iran and the   Wahhabi and Sunni stronghold...

Europeans Goodbye?

‘Demography is destiny.’ Ben Wattenberg and Richard M. Scammon In 1825 the world’s population reached, for the first time, the figure of 1 billion...

India-Russia nuclear deal & the dynamics of World Politics

The great powers particularly the de-jure status holders under the NPT framework that only confers the nuclear status to those states who acquired the...

The Peculiarities of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action

Iranian President Rohani, a pragmatist, was elected in 2013 which led to a diplomatic thaw between the Islamic Republic and the West. Finally, after...

The last state of the union

In a heavily sentimental performance, Barack Obama addressed the last state of the union of his term. 2016 is going to be an election...

The Russian Federation’ strategic equation in Syria

How are the Russian-Syrian operations and the operations of the United States and its coalition in Syria going and, more importantly, what can we...

Overview of Russia`s activities in Africa in the past year

In its end-of-year official report, the Russian Foreign Ministry indicated that Russia, as a permanent member of the UN Security Council, has made a...

The North Korean nuclear issue

In 1980, on the eve of the final decline of the Soviet-style centralized economies, North Korea - officially called the Democratic People’s Republic of...
