Imamah Hasyyati Labibah

Imamah Hasyyati Labibah is a Master’s student of International Relations at Universitas Gadjah Mada with an interest in study of international rezim, globalitation and international politic and international security study.

Exclusive articles:

U.S. Funding of the IAEA: Benevolent Hegemony or Strategic Self-Interest?

Being the largest donor in an organization is an effort by the US to maintain its influence as a superpower. The US plays this...


Gwadar Airport: A Gateway to Prosperity and Progress

Pakistan marked a historic milestone in its aviation history...

The year of Japan-CARICOM Friendship

Last year was the Japan-CARICOM (Caribbean Community) Friendship Year,...

Sudan at the Crossroads: A Geopolitical Powder Keg with Global Implications

Sub-Saharan Africa and the Sahel, as well as the...

Reconsidering Nuclear Command Authority: America’s Most Urgent Obligation

“The man who laughs has simply not yet heard...