
Security Council renews Central African Republic arms embargo

The UN Security Council on Friday renewed the arms embargo against the Central African Republic (CAR) and extended the mandate of the expert panel assisting its sanctions committee for the country.  Thirteen of the 15 Council members voted in favour...

EU helps tackle air pollution in Kosovo with €76.4 million

As part of his first visit to Kosovo, High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell will launch today a major EU-financed project to improve the environmental performance of the “Kosovo...

New EU visa rules: Questions and Answers

New EU rules on short-stay visas apply worldwide from 2 February 2020. They make it easier for legitimate travellers to apply for a visa to...

UN rights expert: US Middle East peace plan ‘lopsided’

A United States plan released this week to resolve the decades-long conflict between Israelis and Palestinians is “lopsided” and will only entrench occupation, an independent UN human rights expert said on...

New insights into how global change is impacting freshwater environments

A new global study sheds light on how interactions between specific characteristics of catchments, such as carbon and pollution, affect aquatic plant diversity and function in...

First year of the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement shows growth in EU exports

1 February 2020 marks the first anniversary of the entry into force of the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA). In the first ten months following the implementation...

Provincial Leaders Commit to Implement Findings of Federalism Stocktaking Report

The Chief Ministers of five provinces expressed appreciation of the process and agreement of the findings and recommendations of the Federalism Capacity Needs Assessment (FCNA) at...

ADB Unveils Venture Platform to Invest in Impact Technology Startups

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) today approved the establishment of ADB Ventures, a new venture platform that will support and invest in startups offering impact technology solutions...

Cybercrime: New survey shows Europeans feel better informed but remain concerned

Today, the Commission releases its latest survey on Europeans' attitudes towards cybercrime. The results show that awareness of cybercrime is rising, with 52% of respondents stating they...

2019: A deadly year for migrants crossing the Americas

More than 800 people died last year crossing deserts, rivers and remote lands while migrating across the Americas, making 2019 one of deadliest years on record,...
