More: Religion

Contemporary Marketing Communication and the Case of Islam

This paper discusses specifics of marketing communication in the case of Islam with a purpose to enable better and efficient understanding with the Muslim...

The OIC Does Defend, Not Suppress, Freedom of Expression

On 12 January 2015, Robert C. Blitt wrote on the USA Today, “Powerful, mainstream Muslim groups must recognize they’re breeding religious intolerance”. He argued...

Church Diplomacy: Greece, Russia and Beyond

The Syriza-dominated government is a loner in the EU. However, not far away, there is Russia, a country that is ready to give an...

After Paris: Codes of Tolerance as the Bridge

The slaughter of 17 people in the past week in Paris marks a dark era in Europe in the relationship between European Muslims and...

Future of Social Compact – Day for Spiritual Liberty

25 November is the anniversary of the United Nations « Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Intolerance and Discrimination Based on Religion...


Gaza Ceasefire: Egyptian mediators and Hamas have come to an agreement

According to reports from Egyptian media on Saturday, Egyptian...

The Role of Social Media in Strengthening Democracy in Pakistan

Democracy is a form of government in which laws,...

Russian Enterprises Fostering Closer Economic Ties with Angola, Southern African Countries

Russia and Angola have had excellent relations dating from...

Use of Artificial Intelligence in the digital economy sector: opportunities and challenges

Technological developments are increasingly rapid and still make everyone...

