More: Environment

Indonesia’s Green Future: The Important Role of Carbon Capture Technology

Indonesia's progress towards a sustainable future depends heavily on the crucial role of carbon capture technology in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Adopting carbon capture...

Facing the Challenges of Greenwashing in the Indonesian Coal Industry

Indonesia, as one of the world's largest coal producers, is not immune to various environmental challenges. According to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral...

War in the Anthropocene: A Time Bomb to Extinction

What has become the hot topic and anxiety of the world today is the massive destruction of the earth which is believed to be...

Integrating ESG Factors into Sustainable Finance: Current Practices and Future Directions

Sustainable finance has gained significant traction in recent years as the global community grapples with pressing environmental and social challenges. Central to the sustainable...

Earth Day and the Impact of Human Habits

Authors: Dr. Arshad M. Khan and Meena Miriam Yust  Celebrated since 1970, when Senator Gaylord Nelson conceived it, Earth Day on April 22 is so...

‘Nature Positive’ Report Marks New Collaborative Era in Travel & Tourism

The leading players of Travel & Tourism globally have published a landmark joint report setting out their joint plan to help halt and reverse...

The Story of the Nature Restoration Law

The Nature Restoration Law is at an impasse. The legislative process is in trouble. The law mandates member states of the European Union to...

Travel Light, Travel Green: Essential Eco-Friendly Travel Tips for the Conscious Explorer

As the world becomes increasingly accessible, the impact of travel on the environment has become a pressing concern. The conscious explorer seeks not only...

The Vital Role of Government in Advancing ESG Investment Through Fintech in Developing Countries

Authors: Tuhu Nugraha and Annanias Shinta D* Investments based on Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria are becoming increasingly important in the sustainable development agenda,...

Difficulties behind the Construction of Green Buildings

Green buildings, sometimes referred to as sustainable or eco-friendly buildings, are planned and built with the intention of reducing their negative effects on the...


Can Kazakhstan’s Unprecedented Floods be Prevented in the Future?

As Kazakhstan and parts of Russia grapple with severe...

Chinese Port Power

China's rise to prominence in the world economy during...

How Will EU Space Law Impact US National, Strategic, and Commercial Interests

Earlier this year, the six-month-long Belgian rotating presidency of...

US President Biden plays high-risk poker with Israel’s Netanyahu

US President Joe Biden doesn’t fit the mould of...

