
Sustainable energy for green living

Regardless of where you live and how old you are, chances are you have been hearing a lot about sustainable and green living in...

Greece, Israel and Cyprus: Pivotal to East Mediterranean Gas Development

E ast Mediterranean gas resources can promote cooperation and deliver financial benefits contributing to the economic development of Israel, Greece, and Cyprus. The...

Supreme Court’s Verdict Denying Compensatory Tariff to Power Projects opens a pandora box!

A dani power limited has set up a power plant at Mundra with a total capacity of 4620MW. It has a power purchase...

Oil Deal: Can OPEC Afford One?

In my last article I covered different prospects/facets that signaled towards the extension of an oil deal. Of late there are developments that not...

The status of Chinese–Russian energy cooperation in the Arctic

Authors: Ekaterina Klimenko & Camilla T.N. Sørensen T he Arctic is estimated to contain 30 per cent of the world’s undiscovered oil and...

Deal, No Deal

It has been a topsy-turvy story for the most traded and (politically and economically) significant commodity in the world. Welcome to the world of...

How Asia Will Lead the Clean Energy Revolution

D onald Trump’s primary focus might be making America “great again,” but it seems he is actively seeking mediocre or worse status when...

Vienna Accord and the Rising inventories

It has not been a happy story hitherto for oil markets as the prices continue to be under pressure. The recent inventory build-up of...

Strong Headwinds for Oil Ahead

The oil markets have just received a long awaited yet unexpected jolt. “No one is yawning now”, as an article in New York Times...

No Refuge for Oil

Of-late the monotonous oscillation of oil prices is making it difficult for writers and analysts to get any sense out of this whimsical trend....
