Muhammad R. Ashidieq

Rahman is a third-year student pursuing a degree in International Relations at Universitas Islam Indonesia. He has a strong interest in Australian politics and humanitarian issues. Currently, he is an active member of the Australia-Indonesia Youth Association (AIYA), which has helped him immerse deeply into Australian culture and foster cross-cultural understanding.

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Australia’s Nuclear Plan Debate: Solution or Controversy?

In the lead-up to Australia’s federal election, the Coalition Party, led by Peter Dutton, has unveiled a plan to adopt nuclear energy as a...


Beyond the Old Norms: Exploring China’s New Consumption Drivers

President Xi Jinping in his speech delivered during the Central...

Constructivism on Cultural Diplomacy: Cliburn and his Music Against the Cold War

The mention of music’s role in international relations is...

80 Years of Auschwitz Liberation: Is History Repeating Itself?

On 27 January 1945, Soviet troops marched in and...

The Science of Disinformation: Cognitive Vulnerabilities and Digital Manipulation

In today’s fast-paced digital world, disinformation has become a...