“Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards.” -Soren Kierkegaard
For the incoming American president, one policy assumption is unchallengeable: If the United States doesn’t manage to avoid a nuclear conflict, all other obligations will become moot. It follows that all necessary fiscal and intellectual resources should be vested in this primary and primal obligation.[1]
There will be derivative obligations. In thinking about such unique peril, metaphor could prove helpful. A nuclear war – any nuclear war – would resemble an incurable disease. Accordingly, all serious “therapeutic” hopes must lie in prevention. We require a core focus on science-based and law-based[2] analyses, not a series of narrowly partisan or self-serving manipulations.
To progress with such a defined responsibility, one that is suitably theoretical and not ad hoc, a key distinction should be introduced. It concerns tangibly basic differences between a deliberate or intentional nuclear war and a nuclear war that is unintentional or inadvertent. Should this rudimentary distinction be overlooked or undervalued for any reason, the United States could impair its capacity to identify plausible national security options. Prima facie, any such impairment could be intolerable and irremediable, both for itself and for various allies.
During analytic inquiry, multiple impediments and ironies will surface. Because there has never been an authentic nuclear war (Hiroshima and Nagasaki don’t “count”), verifiable probabilities would be impossible to ascertain. Always, in logic and mathematics, true probabilities must stem from the discernible frequency of relevant past events. Where there are no such events – that is, when current situations are unprecedented or sui generis – nothing could be concluded with any predictive reliability.
There is more. Not every oxymoron must be unreasonable. At times, good news can be bad news. Though humankind is fortunate to have avoided a nuclear conflict thus far, such good news also signifies something “bad:” In scientific terms, we can predict very little about the likelihood of a nuclear war.
Still, especially in Washington and Jerusalem, capable scholars will need to calculate optimal strategies for averting a nuclear war and minimizing the harms of a nuclear war that cannot be prevented. Among other things, this bewildering calculation will vary according to (1) presumedenemy intentions and (2) presumed plausibility of accidents, hacking intrusions or decisional miscalculations. Linguistically, when taken together as overlapping categories of cumulative nuclear threat, the component risks of an unintentional nuclear war are best described as “inadvertent.”
Language will matter. Any instance of accidental nuclear war would be inadvertent, but not every case of inadvertent nuclear war would be the result of accident. Conceptually, all such examples represent complex elements of a single overall national and international security problem – that is, preventing a “final epidemic.”[3]
Nuclear war prevention should never be approached by American security thinkers and planners as a preeminently political or tactical issue. Informed by serious historical understandings (“understood backwards”) and by consciously refined analytic capacities, US strategists should continuously prepare to deal with a large variety of potentially-intersecting factors. Under the best conditions of modern science, this broad variety will appear multi-dimensional and daunting, but it need not appear insoluble.
There is more. Principal hazards in nuclear war avoidance can only be understood in light of the credible or at least conceivable intersections between them. All such critical intersections are more-or-less plausible, a conclusion based on various expectations of “informal logic” (not an actual history) and on the knowledge that mutually reinforcing intersections could become “synergistic.” Close attention to anticipated nuclear synergies – intersections in which the “whole” outcome is greater than the sum of its “parts” – should remain primary among America’s analytic defense objectives.
In dealing with growing nuclear war risks involving North Korea, Russia, China or Iran, no concept could prove more important to security policy than synergy. Unless synergistic interactions are correctly anticipated, the United States could underestimate the total impact of any considered nuclear engagement. The flesh and blood consequences of such underestimations could defy dispassionate analytic imagination and also any post-war justifications.[4] More than likely, many survivors of a nuclear war would envy the dead.
This raises a longstanding personal issue for the present writer. I have been publishing about complex nuclear war issues for over fifty years. After four years of doctoral study at Princeton in the late 1960s, long an intellectual center of American nuclear strategic thought (recall both Albert Einstein and J. Robert Oppenheimer), I began to consider adding a modest personal contribution to a newly-evolving nuclear literature. By the late 1970s, I was cautiously preparing a new manuscript on US nuclear strategy. At that early stage of a still-emerging strategic discipline, I was especially interested in US presidential authority to order the use of American nuclear weapons.
From day one, I was assured in official (DoD) circles that reliable safeguards had been incorporated into all operational nuclear command/control decisions, but that these safeguards could simply not be applied at the presidential level. To a young scholar searching optimistically for nuclear war avoidance opportunities, this ironic disjunction didn’t make any obvious sense. What next? I was inquiring, after all, on the hallowed Princeton grounds of Albert Einstein and J. Robert Oppenheimer. Indeed, I was residing just a few blocks from where they had lived.
It was high time for gathering suitable clarifications. I reached out to retired General Maxwell D. Taylor, a former Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff. In rapid response to my query, General Taylor sent a comprehensive handwritten reply. Dated 14 March 1976, the distinguished General’s letter concluded ominously:”As to those dangers arising from an irrational American president, the only protection is not to elect one.”
Until 2016 and “Trump I,” I had never given extended thought to this authoritative response. Today, at the start of “Trump II,” General Taylor’s 1976 warning takes on more conspicuously urgent meanings. Based on pertinent facts and logical derivations (called “entailments” in philosophy of science), Americans should reasonably assume that if the incoming president were to exhibit accessible signs of emotional instability, irrationality or delusional behavior, he could still order the use of American nuclear weapons. He could do this officially, legally and without expectations of nuclear chain-of-command “disobedience.”
Even more worrisome, a US president could become emotionally unstable, irrational or delusional, but not conspicuously exhibit such liabilities. What would happen then? A corollary question should be brought to mind:What precise stance should be assumed by the National Command Authority (Secretary of Defense, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and several others) if it should ever decide to oppose an “inappropriate” or “irrational” presidential order to launch nuclear weapons?
Could the National Command Authority (NCA) “save the day,” informally, by acting in an impromptu or creatively ad hoc fashion? Or should indispensable preparatory steps already have been taken preemptively? Should there already be in place certain credible and effective statutory measures to (1) assess the ordering president’s reason and judgment; and (2) countermand the presumptively inappropriate or wrongful order?
Under US law, Article 1 (Congressional) war-declaring expectations of theConstitution aside, any presidential order to use nuclear weapons, whether issued by an apparently irrational president or by an otherwise incapacitated one, would have to be obeyed. To act otherwise in such incomparably dire circumstances, would be illegal. In essence, any chain-of-command disobedience would be impermissible on its face.[5]
In principle, at least, a US President could order the first use of American nuclear weapons even if this country were not under actual nuclear attack. Some further strategic and legal[6] distinctions would need to be made between a nuclear “first use” and a nuclear “first strike.” These would not be trivial or minor distinctions.
While there exists an elementary yet substantive difference between the two options, it is a distinction that candidate Donald Trump failed to understand during the 2016 presidential campaign debates and also during the 2024 campaign. Should we now simply take for granted that he has somehow become more familiar with the multiple and nuanced expectations of national nuclear doctrine and strategy? Regarding a president who has said “the moon is part of Mars” and “nuclear weapons could be used against hurricanes,” such enhanced familiarity is hardly self-evident.
What happens next? Where should the Trump-directed American polity go from here? To reply, a fully coherent, authoritative and comprehensive answer will be needed for the following question:
If faced with any presidential order to use nuclear weapons, and not offered sufficiently appropriate corroborative evidence of any actually impending existential threat, would the National Command Authority be: (1) be willing to disobey, and (2) be capable of enforcing such expressions of disobedience?
In any such unprecedented crisis-decisional circumstances, all binding decisions could have to be made in a compressively time-urgent matter of minutes, not hours or days. As far as any useful policy guidance from the past might be concerned, there could be no scientifically valid way to assess the true probabilities of all possible outcomes. This is because all scientific judgments of probability – whatever the salient issue or subject – must be based on the determinable frequency ofpertinent past events.
In matters of nuclear war, there would be no such events. To be sure, this is a palpably fortunate absence, but one that could still stand in the way of reliable security decision-making predictions. The irony is simultaneously obvious and problematic. Whatever the scientific obstacles, the optimal time to prepare for such vital US national security contingencies is now.
Regarding the immediately specific matter of Iran, though that country is “pre-nuclear” and weakened by the loss of Syrian proxy Bashar al Assad, increasing US military encounters with Iranian surrogates could sometime draw in North Korea as an adversarial nuclear belligerent. Faced with manifold uncertainties about Kim Jung Un’s willingness to push the escalatory envelope, a now-returned American president could find himself confronted with grievously stark choices between outright capitulation and chaotic nuclear warfighting.[7] Even for a more intellectually capable US president, any such choice could prove overwhelming.
To avoid being placed in such a limited choice strategic environment, incoming American president Donald J. Trump should understand that displaying a larger national nuclear force might not necessarily bestow meaningful bargaining advantages. On the contrary, especially if ostentatious, such display could generate unwarranted US presidential overconfidence and assorted forms of decisional miscalculation. In such utterly unfamiliar, many-sided and unprecedented matters, size matters. Counter-intuitively, however, it could also vary inversely with national influence and power.
In searching for “escalation dominance” during crises, the United States, its allies and its adversaries could find themselves caught up in unique circumstances. To navigate such fragile matters of world politics, even an inadvertent decisional outcome could include a nuclear war. Whatever the cause, there could be no “winner.”
There is more. In the paroxysmal aftermath of an unintended nuclear conflict, an American president who had earlier downplayed “preparation” in strategic negotiations (“attitude is more important than preparation”) could question an adversary’s presumed strategic calculations. By then, however, it would be too late. As survivors of a once-preventable nuclear conflagration, this stunned American leader might vainly ask himself: Were we ever properly schooled in such mind-taxing and esoteric problem solving?
As a nuclear war would resemble any other incurable disease, the only auspicious “therapies” will lie in war avoidance. Ultimately, for the United States and certain allies, nuclear war avoidance is not just a matter of American “optimism” or Freudian “wish fulfilment,” but a problem demanding reason, intellect and courage.[8] For America, Israel and various other states, life in a dissembling global order will need to be “understood backwards,” but “lived forwards.”
[1] Says Guillaume Apollinaire: “It must not be forgotten that it is perhaps more dangerous for a nation to allow itself to be conquered intellectually than by arms.” See: The New Spirit and the Poets, 1917.
[2] “Science,” says philosopher Jose Ortega y’Gasset in Man and Crisis (1958) “by which I mean the entire body of knowledge about things, whether corporeal or spiritual, is as much a work of imagination as it is of observation…The latter is not possible without the former.”
[3] This term was used as title of an important early book dealing with nuclear war dangers: Ruth Abrams and Susan Cullen, The Final Epidemic: Physicians and Scientists on Nuclear War (1981). The well-respected contributors to this sobering anthology were associated with two prominent scientific/medical organizations of the time: Physicians for Social Responsibility and International Physicians Against Nuclear War. The present writer, Louis Rene Beres, was an active member of these groups at both Princeton and Purdue. For authoritative early accounts by this author of nuclear war effects, see: Louis René Beres, Apocalypse: Nuclear Catastrophe in World Politics (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1980); Louis René Beres, Mimicking Sisyphus: America’s Countervailing Nuclear Strategy (Lexington, Mass., Lexington Books, 1983); Louis René Beres, Reason and Realpolitik: U.S. Foreign Policy and World Order (Lexington, Mass., Lexington Books, 1984); and Louis René Beres, Security or Armageddon: Israel’s Nuclear Strategy (Lexington, Mass., Lexington Books, 1986). Most recently, by Professor Beres, see: Surviving Amid Chaos: Israel’s Nuclear Strategy (New York, Rowman & Littlefield, 2016; 2nd ed. 2018).
[4] See earlier, by this author, Louis René Beres, at Harvard National Security Journal, Harvard Law School: https://harvardnsj.org/2015/06/core-synergies-in-israels-strategic-planning-when-the-adversarial-whole-is-greater-than-the-sum-of-its-parts/)
[5] Nonetheless, international law is a part of United States law, and the authoritative Nuremberg Judgments clarify that chain-of-command disobedience can be indispensably law-enforcing. See AGREEMENT FOR THE PROSECUTION AND PUNISHMENT OF THE MAJOR WAR CRIMINALS OF THE EUROPEAN AXIS POWERS AND CHARTER OF THE INTERNATIONAL MILITARY TRIBUNAL. Done at London, August 8, 1945. Entered into force, August 8, 1945. For the United States, Sept. 10, 1945. 59 Stat. 1544, 82 U.N.T.S. 279. The principles of international law recognized by the Charter of the Nuremberg Tribunal and the judgment of the Tribunal were affirmed by the U.N. General Assembly as AFFIRMATION OF THE PRINCIPLES OF INTERNATIONAL LAW RECOGNIZED BY THE CHARTER OF THE NUREMBERG TRIBUNAL. Adopted by the U.N. General Assembly, Dec. 11, 1946. U.N.G.A. Res. 95 (I), U.N. Doc. A/236 (1946), at 1144. This AFFIRMATION OF THE PRINCIPLES OF INTERNATIONAL LAW RECOGNIZED BY THE CHARTER OF THE NUREMBERG TRIBUNAL (1946) was followed by General Assembly Resolution 177 (II), adopted November 21, 1947, directing the U.N. International Law Commission to “(a) Formulate the principles of international law recognized in the Charter of the Nuremberg Tribunal and in the judgment of the Tribunal, and (b) Prepare a draft code of offenses against the peace and security of mankind….” (See U.N. Doc. A/519, p. 112). The principles formulated are known as the PRINCIPLES OF INTERNATIONAL LAW RECOGNIZED IN THE CHARTER AND JUDGMENT OF THE NUREMBERG TRIBUNAL. Report of the International Law Commission, 2nd session, 1950, U.N. G.A.O.R. 5th session, Supp. No. 12, A/1316, p. 11.
[6] As corollary, under international law, the formal question of whether or not a “state of war” actually exists between states is generally ambiguous. Traditionally, it was held that a declaration of war was necessary before any true state of war could be said to exist. Hugo Grotius divided wars into declared wars, which were legal, and undeclared wars, which were not. (See Hugo Grotius, The Law of War and Peace, Bk. III, Chapters. III, IV, and XI.) By the start of the twentieth century, the position that war obtains only after a conclusive declaration of war by one of the parties was codified by Hague Convention III. This treaty stipulated that hostilities must never commence without a “previous and explicit warning” in the form of a declaration of war or an ultimatum. (See Hague Convention III Relative to the Opening of Hostilities, 1907, 3 NRGT, 3 series, 437, article 1.) Currently, declarations of war may be tantamount to admissions of international criminality, because of the express criminalization of aggression by authoritative international law, and it could therefore represent a clear jurisprudential absurdity to tie any true state of war to formal and prior declarations of belligerency. It follows that a state of war may now exist without any formal declarations, but only if there exists an actual armed conflict between two or more states, and/or at least one of these affected states considers itself “at war.”
[7] This raises the concept of “escalation dominance.” See, by this author, Louis René Beres, at The War Room, US Army War College, Pentagon: https://warroom.armywarcollege.edu/articles/nuclear-decision-making-and-nuclear-war-an-urgent-american-problem/
[8] See by this writer at Yale Global: Louis René Beres, https://archive-yaleglobal.yale.edu/content/call-intellect-and-courage