It is no longer a secret that China is trying to compete with the United States of America for influence in the Middle East and North Africa region, at a time when the United States of America is using the Muslim Brotherhood card as a pressure group to confront the rise of China and Russia in the Middle East region. Especially with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization or NATO military countries drawing up plans beyond the Atlantic Ocean led by Washington, to draw up a plan to extend its hegemony over the world led by Washington. This was done under the supervision of the neo-conservatives in American political and intelligence circles, and through their famous vision known as the “American Century Document”, meaning that the twenty-first century would be an American century par excellence, without any rival or participant like China in particular to achieve this goal, the United States of America has developed a long-term plan to use Turkey, through its support for the banned Muslim Brotherhood, to obstruct and limit Chinese and Russian influence in the Middle East and the Arabian Gulf region, by drawing a new American map for the Middle East region, and it has drawn a wide map for it that accommodates many non-Arab powers within its frameworks and limitations, so that the United States of America can then devote itself to besieging Moscow and Beijing by using the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood group. From here, the American intelligence plan came up with exploiting Turkey, by agreeing to officially include it in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), on the condition that it uses Turkey to restore its old Turkish dream of reviving its ancient Ottoman Turkish Empire, to restore the history of its defunct empire once again.
This was evident from the European and American identification and rapprochement with the Muslim Brotherhood and their international organization and their defense of them, while turning a blind eye to the apparent and hidden agreements that are taking place between the Libyan Accord Group and Turkish President Erdogan, without anyone from the Belgian capital Brussels to Washington objecting to the fundamentalist revival that Turkish President Erdogan went to on his way to reviving his old Ottoman Turkish Empire with the blessing and assistance of the NATO military alliance, considering Turkey a member of it, with the blessing and assistance of Washington and its allies in the West.
Hence, the American intelligence, security, academic and diplomatic circles are active in developing plans to spread chaos throughout the Middle East and the Arabian Gulf, especially Egypt, by using the international organization of the Muslim Brotherhood, in preparation for Washington to use its circle of allies from the NATO military alliance and members of the United Nations to issue a decision in the end, which stipulates placing Egypt and all the countries of the Middle East under the rule of the Ottoman guarantor. Taking into consideration that the administration of US President Bush Jr. was the one that launched the term “Greater Middle East”, which includes all the Arab countries, in addition to Turkey, Israel, Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan, in preparation for establishing their new Middle East under the old Ottoman Turkish rule, so that the new Ottoman Turkish Empire recognizes Israel and seeks to integrate it into the region according to the principle or rule of one Ottoman or Turkish voice representing all the Arab, Islamic and Gulf countries and the Middle East region as a whole. Hence, Turkey was the cornerstone that was used in the Middle East to achieve part of the American, Israeli and Western intelligence plan, through different stages that began with the visits of Turkish President Erdogan to the United States of America, while he was weaving the threads of the grand strategic plan to restore the dream of the ancient Turkish Ottoman Empire and place us all under its rule to integrate Israel among us all and to end the file of the Palestinian issue and the issue of Palestinian refugees forever. What surprised me in the whole matter is that a number of American and Israeli intelligence circles likened the Turkish President Erdogan to the hero Dorian Gray in Oscar Wilde’s masterpiece, wearing a mask of purity and holiness. Moreover, he shows himself as the support, aid and defender of the Palestinian cause, although everyone knows the truth about his relations with Israel. He even openly organizes international academic conferences in Turkey with full Israeli participation, support and funding. I personally have copies and complete proofs of all joint Turkish-Israeli conferences within the Turkish academic corridors themselves, to encourage Turkish academics and researchers themselves to communicate with their Israeli counterparts with the participation of Egyptian fugitives from the Muslim Brotherhood, which is banned on Turkish soil. I have full evidence of this, especially in light of the broad orders given by the American Central Intelligence Agency, the Israeli Mossad, and the Turkish Intelligence to members of the banned Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and the region to harass me in the streets and everywhere, after I refused pressure from American Jewish organizations to recognize the converts to the Chinese Kaifeng region as real Jews and to publish an international book in this context in English to refute the Israelis’ point of view in this context. To the point that Harvard University and major American and international universities bought copies of my aforementioned book, given its great importance to them.
This matter – related to the attempt to use the international organization of the Brotherhood in cooperation with the Turkish intelligence service to spread chaos in preparation for the establishment of the old Turkish Ottoman Empire – has many indicators that I have fully documented as a researcher and political analyst in Chinese political affairs for the Chinese themselves, such as the hundreds of continuous invitations directed to me officially to visit Turkey according to my precise specialization in Chinese political affairs, which I wrote at the end of them explicitly (waiting for you urgently and very soon in Turkey). It is a suspicious and unprecedented matter internationally for this strange design to invite me to Turkish lands to harm me in any way by the international terrorist organization of the banned Brotherhood after they concluded a suspicious deal with the American Central Intelligence Agency and the Israeli Mossad, to help them limit and restrict Chinese and Russian influence in the region. The strangest and new thing, and what will surprise you in this matter, is that the official Turkish side pushed responsible and well-known political figures to contact me to give me free tickets with full payment to go to Turkish lands in any way. This is something new and unprecedented internationally.
The conclusive, accurate and complete evidence remains in the face of the Turkish authorities officially in cooperation with the Israeli Mossad and the international terrorist organization of the Muslim Brotherhood, regarding their planning to establish the old Ottoman Turkish Empire Caliphate State led by President “Erdogan” and put us all under the Ottoman Turkish rule to integrate Israel among us all after making us all responsible from Turkey and its alleged empire. It is pushing a terrorist woman belonging to the international terrorist organization of the Muslim Brotherhood to write an article directed against me that I follow the “Ottoman sponsor” .
This article in itself is a clear accusation of the Turkish authorities in cooperation with the international terrorist organization of the Muslim Brotherhood, the Israeli Mossad and the American intelligence, all of whom are seeking to place us under Ottoman Turkish rule to integrate Israel among us and to end the Palestinian issue forever.
I will also draw the attention of the official Egyptian authorities to a matter of utmost danger, sensitivity and importance, proven by conclusive evidence in confronting the banned international terrorist organization of the Muslim Brotherhood in cooperation with the Israeli Mossad, which is the sending of free invitations to me, paid for in full, to go to Turkish territory by diplomats and employees of responsible agencies in the state, with the claim that my going and traveling to Turkish territory is a supreme national mission for the benefit of Egypt. Of course, this is a questionable matter, as everyone understands and comprehends now. I have a long list of all the very well-known figures who gave me free tickets to go to Turkey in any way.
I will also draw the attention of the Egyptian authorities and all Arab, Islamic and Gulf intelligence agencies to a new matter that I already mentioned in a previous statement two years before I wrote this analysis, and no one understood or comprehended what I wrote at the time, which is my screaming that day from a very well-known and responsible figure among us, and his recording of a full lecture in one of the well-known forums in Egypt, in which he reviews the text that (Egypt is a country created for occupation). Then he contacted me several times to send me a video of his lecture, in which he reviews the history of Egypt’s occupation of me, focusing on Turkey. Before I understood, and we all understood in the end, this Turkish and Israeli planning in cooperation with the international terrorist organization of the Muslim Brotherhood to cause unrest in Egypt and all the countries of the region to establish a new Middle East, to revive the Caliphate or the old Turkish Ottoman Empire and put us all under its rule. Then they agreed to harm me, as I mentioned, for rejecting the pressures of American Jewish organizations regarding my international book published internationally in English about the Jews of the Chinese Kaifeng region, and my admission that they are a creation of the Israeli Mossad. And my refusal to have the Committee for Religious Minorities Affairs of the ruling Communist Party in China recognize them. Given that they are fake Jews created by the Israeli Mossad.
Here I will also draw the attention of the Egyptian authorities to the Turkish intelligence and the Israeli Mossad directing a number of researchers belonging to the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood, including figures who hold important positions and are known by name, to write officially documented scientific theses in our Egyptian universities, and they were actually discussed about (the role of the Turkish Justice and Development Party – as a branch of the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood – in spreading democracy). And even directing them all to communicate with me to spread the idea of Turkish civilization and the idea of establishing the Caliphate or the old Turkish Ottoman Empire led by Erdogan.
Finally, I have decided here to respond to the Turkish President “Erdogan” personally, regarding his claim to sever his relationship with Israel. I will only remind him before the Egyptian authorities and before all the Arab, Islamic and Gulf intelligence agencies, and even before our Egyptian, Arab and Islamic peoples as a whole, that the idea of establishing (the imaginary Kingdom of Atlantis or the Kingdom of Wisdom), which aims to spread human thought globally, in preparation for integrating Israel among us, then giving imaginary citizenship certificates for the Kingdom of Atlantis or the Kingdom of Wisdom, and their contact with me and giving me and many others citizenship certificates for the Kingdom of Atlantis or the Kingdom of Wisdom. I remind Turkey and the Turkish President “Erdogan” that those who led to the invention of the idea of this imaginary Kingdom of Wisdom came from a number of Turkish businessmen, and that the senior officials responsible for establishing the imaginary Kingdom of Atlantis or the Kingdom of Wisdom are all of Turkish nationality, with the Turkish authorities promising them to give them a piece of an island to establish their imaginary kingdom, which aims to spread humanity in preparation for the integration of Israel among us, after bridging and removing all restrictions between us and the Israelis
And here I ask all Egyptians, Arabs and Muslims around the world to write the name of the imaginary Kingdom of Atlantis or the Kingdom of Wisdom on the Google search engine, so that you can all confirm for yourselves that all meetings of the Kingdom of Atlantis or the Kingdom of Wisdom took place on Turkish lands under full supervision with the Turkish authorities officially. And that the sole and primary goal of establishing the Kingdom of Atlantis or the Kingdom of Wisdom is to dissolve and eliminate all differences between religions, sects and nationalities.
I will also address another word to the Turkish President “Erdogan”, which is that the establishment of the Kingdom of Atlantis or the Kingdom of Wisdom under the supervision of your Excellency and the Turkish authorities, aims primarily (to cancel and lose the Palestinian cause forever with planning from the Turkish side), through the public promotion by a number of academics and researchers belonging to the banned terrorist Brotherhood group, agents of the Israeli Mossad, and their public dissemination of the terms “global citizen”, which will of course be global, once he belongs to the Kingdom of Atlantis or the Kingdom of Wisdom under the supervision of the Turkish authorities, meaning that you seek to make all refugees around the world into global citizens simply because they belong to and hold the citizenship of the Kingdom of Atlantis or the Kingdom of Wisdom, which aims to make them subordinate to all of humanity without specifying a homeland for them.
Therefore, the Turkish President “Erdogan” and the Turkish authorities seek, in a decisive and complete manner, to eliminate the Palestinian cause and disperse the Palestinians again, instead of helping to find fair and reasonable solutions for them. The same applies to all refugees around the world who have lost their identity and land by making them global citizens who belong to the Kingdom of Atlantis or the Kingdom of Wisdom, which is basically part of an agreement between the Israeli Mossad and Turkish intelligence.
I hereby call on all Egyptians, Arabs and Muslims around the world to write the name of the Kingdom of Atlantis or the Kingdom of Wisdom on the Internet, so that you can all be sure that it is a kingdom affiliated with Turkey and the major Turkish businessmen who belong to the Turkish intelligence agency that promised them to give them a Turkish island to establish their alleged kingdom in preparation for merging Israel among us and to end the Palestinian issue and the issue of Palestinian refugees in the first place forever.
For this reason, political, intelligence and academic circles in China are analyzing the role of the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and its fugitive elements in Turkey and Qatar, after more than 96 years since the establishment of this group, dealing with it, monitoring its positions, crimes, suspicious and intelligence relations with foreign parties and agencies hostile to the Egyptian state and most political regimes in the Middle East, with the Muslim Brotherhood claiming that it was founded as a preaching group, but its goal was never to spread Islam, according to the Chinese vision, and its goal was never to renew the call according to its claim, but its founder “Hassan al-Banna” defined the group as a religious, Sufi and Salafi, political, economic and charitable sports association, from an analysis of the organizational structure of the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood group, that it consists of formations, departments and qualitative committees, including: the political department of the group and departments for professionals, workers, students and communication with the outside world, and finally the department for spreading the call. Here, Chinese intelligence, security and academic circles, through research and think tanks specializing in political Islam studies, are examining all the rulings, reports and investigations of Egyptian court circles since the 1940s issued in the face of the crimes of this group, through the 1980s and 1990s and ending with the major conspiracy against the Middle East led by the leaders of the international organization of the Brotherhood. Hence, Chinese circles denounce that this terrorist group of the Brotherhood is talking about any reconciliation with Egypt or waiting for official or popular acceptance of it again.
Here, the call issued by the Brotherhood through “Helmy El-Gazzar” in his capacity as the deputy acting general guide of the group, called “Salah Abdel Haq”, regarding reconciliation with Egypt and retiring from politics for the next 15 years, sparked widespread reactions in Chinese circles, amidst complete disregard from the Egyptian authorities towards it. The Egyptian authorities rejected any initiatives of this kind with the group, describing it as terrorist, banned and decadent. Therefore, they ignored responding to Al-Gazzar’s initiative from the beginning, while the group later backed down and announced that it would not stop political work, or call for the release of its members who are in Egyptian prisons for previous convictions with various sentences as a result of their involvement in acts of violence, terrorism and sabotage for the benefit of the international organization of the Brotherhood. Taking into consideration that the Brotherhood is not a preaching group for “Helmy Al-Gazzar” in his capacity as deputy of the international organization of the Brotherhood to decide that the organization will return to preaching and retire from politics.
According to the Chinese vision, all the initiatives put forward by the Brotherhood to reconcile with the Egyptian regime are nothing, but a new attempt to obtain a truce to reorganize their ranks and repair the division that has torn their organization apart between multiple fronts in London and Istanbul, amid a struggle between wings between the youth and traditional leaderships. Especially with the restrictions on the channels that speak on their behalf in Istanbul, which prompted some of them to leave for London, which has also become a haven for a number of program presenters who have adopted the incitement discourse against the Egyptian state from there. Also, many of the Brotherhood’s members in the middle and lower ranks, in addition to the leaders, many of whom have obtained Turkish citizenship or permanent residency, whether in Turkey or abroad, may wish to return to Egypt, due to the high cost of their presence abroad after they have become a political and financial burden in light of regional and international circumstances that impose cooperation instead of tension, especially in light of the improvement of relations between Turkey and Egypt, following President El-Sisi’s visit to Turkey on September 4, 2024. For this reason, China, along with Russia, are wary of any reconciliations between the Egyptian and Arab political regimes, as this poses a danger to the future of the Middle East as a whole, as a plan by the international organization of the Brotherhood to reorganize their ranks and bases, in preparation for spreading chaos, with American intelligence guidance and through the Israeli Mossad, to integrate the entire Middle East, the Arabian Gulf, and the Islamic world under the old Ottoman Turkish rule to restore the dream of the old Ottoman Turkish Empire, with the help of the banned Brotherhood elements in Egypt and all Arab countries and states, in preparation for establishing their new Middle East, which will of course exclude any role for Russia and China in the region, in the event that the American and Zionist plan to establish their new Middle East succeeds, in preparation for integrating Israel among us and ending the Palestinian issue forever, with the help of the international terrorist organization of the Brotherhood.