By 2034, ten years from now, what if India becomes a 20-trillion, China 90-trillion, and the USA 50-trillion Economy? But is this possible? Let’s find some truth.
Despite the entrapments of Economic Theorizations, it’s important to remember that the world has seen incredible transformations over the past 20 years. As we advance, it’s crucial to understand why the global populace will seek better skills for the ‘mentality of performance’ as an essential economic survival necessity. This is akin to what ‘driving’ did a century ago or what ‘desktop office work’ did 40 years ago. We’re moving away from traditional occupations based on the ‘physicality of work’ and allowing AI to take over such functionalities, leading to a new era of automation and entrepreneurialism.
It’s time for the mighty mental powerhouse of Entrepreneurial mysticism to take center stage. We need to study how national mobilization took over Silicon Valley, transformed billions into better skills, created over a billion SMEs worldwide, and inspired the most powerful and historic global economic transformation ever. This formulation is not a luxury, but a necessity for our economic future.
Imagine at the start of global e-commerce if there had not been entrepreneurs to create 100 million new IT SMEs. So, what would the billion IT experts be doing? Texting each other? Categorically, no. Entrepreneurs invented not only IT but also texting.
The Fault Lines: The future superpower countries will only be based on their citizenry’s mental powers and entrepreneurialism and not on the nation’s crypto-powers or fake economies, as mega tech is only creating ‘digital deserts.’ During the last century, western economies, once global leaders, visibly failed to uplift their national citizenries to stand up to the global age of competitiveness. Today, China is the only country with some 500 million highly skilled regimented workforces with a socialistically entrepreneurial mindset, the largest force ever greater than all of the top workforces of the Western economies combined.
National citizenries are the hidden gold mines, and entrepreneurialism is the most prized hidden treasure of the nation; this is what economic thinking failed to add up to their mathematical theorizations. It is not their fault. Do not blame Sumo wrestlers for their ballet performance or not knowing the difference between aeronautical engineers and trained jumbo pilots within an airline.
Furthermore, bureaucracies played games of ignorance, and universities continued to keep the young generations behind, but now, they are welcome to 2034. By the next decade, AI will teach new harsh lessons, like what the evolution of e-commerce achieved with precision, speed, and global accessibility.
The new ‘Zentheon’ emerges, a concept where real human intelligence interphases with artificial intelligence, just like when humankind came out of darkness and when bulbs and neon created the bustling and sparking downtowns of the world. This is where The First Industrial Revolution of Mind stars showing its power, and the rise of ‘alpha dreamers’ becomes a reality. More on Google
Fifty years ago, where stood India, China, and the USA? Where did they achieve twenty years ago? What are they doing today? Where will they be standing ten years from now? CHINDUSA, the three, India, China, and the USA combined, will dramatically change the world and contribute to global stability, while equally, this is the battlefield where any two countries may strangle the third over economic incompetencies.
In the next decade, what if India becomes a 20-trillion, China 90-trillion, and the USA 50-trillion Economy?
1974: India 99 China 148 USA 1,500
2004: India 750 China 2,000 USA 12,000
2024: India 3500 China 18,000 USA 27,000
2034: India 20,000 China 90,000 USA 50,000
The USA, 50 years ago, was the first ever largest, most successful agro-industrial-superpower nation ever. Advanced skills of the period spread across the country, and the national mobilization of entrepreneurialism provided wings. For over a century, it always kept the USA the top winner and a worldwide leader in all top items. American entrepreneurialism taught the world how to create entrepreneurial societies.
Now that university education has lost its monopoly, a new era of critical lack of special skills emerges unless the USA restarts massive programs and creates national mobilization of entrepreneurialism to fortify what was the only proven foundation of the most entrepreneurial and innovative nation. The USA needs massive domestic industrialization, workforce upskilling, and reskilling. When this is achieved, it may surprise and pass over as a 50,000 billion economy.
China, with a rich history spanning over 4000 years, was once the world’s largest economy. Today, China is the only country with some 500 million highly skilled regimented workforces with a socialistically entrepreneurial mindset, the largest force ever greater than all of the top workforces of the Western economies combined. China is not a hindrance to growth but a catalyst and a global collaborator on Belt and Roads. This regimented approach, coupled with high standards of bureaucratic meritocracies, is set to drive global infrastructures and create a significant market for its growth and specialization. In the next decade, China’s globally marketable, advanced technology-based exports, combined with the Belt and Roads strategy, could contribute up to 90,000 billion to the global economy.
India is another over 4000-year-old super successful country from the past as a top world economy, and today, it stands as the bright world’s third largest economic star advancing to a top position. India’s challenge to reach a 20000 billion economy depends on its success in harnessing national citizenry as united in a common value and economic cause, as well as national grassroots prosperity for all.
Why billion new jobs needed for the world by 2030?
Understanding how discipline, desire, and dedication shape the physicality of work is one of the ‘foundations of productivity’ needed. When applied to laborious physical work, these qualities gradually transform into ‘mentalities of performance.’ The advancement in focused mental gymnastics, new skills, and global knowledge enables human intelligence to apply advanced technology, such as AI, and produce exceptional productivity. This transformation is not just some process but a new journey of inspiration and growth.
Fact: Only humans can think. AI is only human-made but becomes almost superhuman in productivity when combined with real human intelligence. A deep study is needed. Imagine how computers were only for dreamers during horse-buggy days.
Expothon & National Mobilization of Entrepreneurialism?
For many years, Expothon Worldwide, a global initiative from this Canadian think tank, has been the trusted source of exclusive narratives on the ‘national mobilization of entrepreneurialism protocols.’ developed during the last decade. These insights, shared on a weekly basis, now reach some 2000 selected VIP recipients from the national cabinet-level government officials across 100 free economies.
This track record of expertise and trust is the foundation of our proposed strategies. The step-by-step application of well-defined and proven methodologies helped create a grand-scale national agenda of up-skilling exporters and reskilling manufacturers and mobilizing high-potential SMEs of the nation.
Global Hub: Currently, Expothon is developing a global hub to provide large-scale senior-level guidance to selected 100 free economies and blocs like GCC, OIC, European Union, African Union, ASEAN Commonwealth, and BRICS. This initiative aims to enhance the ‘National mobilization Entrepreneurship’ by offering nation-specific, customized deployment solutions. The Global Hub, fully equipped and prepared, will deploy 1000 experts with global digital accessibility to guide some 50-100 countries on managing their national SME base, upskilling exporters, and reskilling manufacturers.
The potential benefits to the selected economies and blocs are immense, including quadrupling productivity, performance, and profitability, and becoming a power play on the 10K to 100K high-potential SMEs within any nation, a game changer with the massive global activity of micro-trade, micro-exports, and micro-manufacturing.
Here is an open challenge, When Will Economic Intellectualism Finally Surrender to Entrepreneurial Mysticism? On the national mobilization of SME economic fronts, why are we deployment ready to orient and train 100 to 1000 frontline economic development teams across selected nations? The Brief History of the Superpower Economies:
Realistically, with no further proof required, over a million entrepreneurs have already created over a million original small and medium businesses and grown them into each, creating over a million jobs. Why the lingering fear of identifying at 1000 or at least one Nobel Prize Winner in Economics, whoever built one such enterprise?
A quick audit of any national economic development will tell a surprising story
Why the lingering mistakes: Economic development without entrepreneurialism is only economic destruction. Any political power without economic power is no power. Any economic power without entrepreneurial power is no growth. Any entrepreneurial power without a balanced mindset hypothesis is no power. The mindset hypothesis creates a balance between the job seeker’s and job creator’s mindsets. Increasing the debt ceiling is not an economic success but a grand failure. Abandoning a national citizenry that cannot stand up to global age competitiveness is a political failure. Inabilities to identify, categorize, and digitize high-potential SMEs is an economic development failure.
Nations must urgently equip their frontline economic development staff and agencies with the necessary skills and balanced mindsets to embrace entrepreneurialism. This is crucial to creating a national citizenry capable of thriving in the global age of competitiveness. The lack of these skills has proven detrimental, leading to the downfall of great economies. Digitization exposes talents, competence levels, and measured performance. The time to act is now.
Within a decade, the world may only need a billion highly smart and streamlined workforce with AI, balanced mindsets, and hardcore entrepreneurialism that can create a quadrupled global economy with fascinating ease.
Discover your mindset, acquire mastery, and prepare for an amazing new world.
The rest is easy.