Pakistan’s role and contribution in CICA

The Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA) is a multi-national forum for enhancing cooperation towards promoting peace, security and stability in Asia.

Meeting with Secretary-General CICA

Secretary General of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA), Ambassador Kairat Sarybay, who is currently on a visit to Pakistan, called on Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Senator Mohammad Ishaq Dar today.

The Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister reaffirmed Pakistan’s commitment to CICA’s vision for a common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security in Asia. He emphasized the need for conflict prevention; addressing the root causes of endemic disputes; and finding sustainable solutions for lasting peace and development in the CICA region.  He also emphasized the significance of preventive diplomacy, multilateralism and regional collaboration in addressing emerging global challenges.

Secretary General Sarybay appreciated Pakistan’s active and constructive role in CICA and briefed the Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister on the ongoing activities and the future outlook of CICA.

What is CICA?

The Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA) is a multi-national forum for enhancing cooperation towards promoting peace, security and stability in Asia. It is a forum based on the recognition that there is a close link between peace, security and stability in Asia and in the rest of the world. The Member States, while affirming their commitment to the UN Charter, believe that peace and security in Asia can be achieved through dialogue and cooperation leading to a common indivisible area of security in Asia where all states co-exist peacefully and their peoples live in peace, freedom and prosperity.

The idea of convening CICA was first proposed by the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – H.E. Mr. Nursultan Nazarbayev, on 5 October 1992, at the 47th Session of the United Nations General Assembly. The driving force behind this initiative was the aspiration to set up an efficient structure for ensuring peace and security in Asia. Unlike other regions in the world, Asia did not have such a structure at the time and earlier attempts to create such a platform had not been very successful. This initiative was supported broadly by Asian countries who felt that such a forum was the need of the time.

The two founding documents of CICA are the Declaration on the Principles Guiding Relations between the CICA Member States adopted at the First Meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs held in Almaty on 14 September 1999 and the Almaty Act, charter of CICA, adopted at the First Summit held in Almaty on 4 June 2002. These two documents became the stepping stone towards the future evolution of CICA.

Following the spirit of the founding documents, CICA pursues its policy based on the principles of sovereign equality, non-interference in internal affairs of the Member States and economic, social and cultural cooperation to achieve its main objective of enhancing cooperation through elaborating multilateral approaches towards promoting peace, security and stability in Asia. All decisions within CICA framework are taken by consensus.

To be a member of CICA, a state must have at least a part of its territory in Asia. Fifteen states meeting this criterion signed the Declaration on the Principles Guiding Relations between the CICA Member States at the First Meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs in 1999 and became founding members of CICA. CICA currently has twenty-eight Member States accounting for nearly ninety percent of the territory and population of Asia. Ten countries and five multi-national organizations, including the United Nations, have observer status.

The highest decision-making organ of CICA is the Council of the CICA Heads of State or Government (Summit). The CICA Summit is convened every four years in order to conduct consultations, review the progress of, and set priorities for CICA activities. The Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs (Ministerial Council) is the central forum for consultations and examination of all issues related to CICA activities. Its regular meetings are held once every two years. The Senior Officials Committee meets as often as necessary, but not less than twice a year to follow-up on previous CICA decisions, carry out consultations on the current CICA issues, oversee the work of the Special Working Group and coordinate the work of other meetings. The Special Working Group studies specific issues, carries out the tasks mandated to it and submits reports to the Senior Officials Committee.

Creating an environment of confidence among Member States is central to the basic objectives of CICA. The CICA Catalogue of Confidence Building Measures (CBMs) is CICA’s core operational document which describes all CBMs and lays down the procedures for their implementation. It was updated in 2021 by the CICA Ministerial Council. Within the framework of the Catalogue, confidence building measures are categorized under five broad domains: economic dimension, environmental dimension, human dimension, new challenges and threats, and military-political dimension.

 Member States have volunteered to act as coordinating or co-coordinating countries for implementing specific confidence building measures in the 18 priority areas: the human dimension; economic dimension (development of SMEs, energy security, information technology, tourism, development of secure and effective systems of transportation corridors, agriculture, finance, trade and investment); new challenges and threats dimension (combating terrorism, security in the use of ICTs, combating illicit drugs, epidemiological safety, public health, and pharmaceuticals); environmental dimension (sustainable development, natural disaster management, environment protection); military-political dimension. Concept papers on Member States’ cooperation in 11 priority areas have been updated.

CICA’s transformation into a full-fledged international organization was initiated by the Sixth CICA Summit in October 2022 and is currently a key priority. Foreign ministers endorsed the Road Map for CICA Transformation at the CICA Ministerial Council Meeting held on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly High-Level week in New York, September 2023. This key document outlines eight specific areas of reforms aimed at strengthening this Pan-Asian organization of 28 Member States and adapting CICA to a new global role of Asia.

External relations of CICA are governed by the Guidelines for CICA’s External Relations. CICA seeks to establish contacts and ties with the United Nations and regional and international organizations in support of its efforts to enhance peace, security and economic development in Asia. CICA was conferred observer status by the United Nations General Assembly at its 62nd session in 2007. In pursuance of its efforts to establish relations with other organizations, CICA has signed Memoranda of Understanding with the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO), Eurasian Economic Community (EurAsEC), International Organization for Migration (IOM), Assembly of People of Kazakhstan (APK), Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO), United Nations Office for Drugs and Crime (UNODC),  Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO RATS), the Shanghai Institute for International Studies, and the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU).

The CICA Secretariat – administrative body of CICA – is located in Astana, Kazakhstan. The Chief Executive Officer of CICA us the Secretary General (formerly Executive Director of the Secretariat). The Secretariat also consists of the Deputy Secretary General, Professional Personnel seconded by the Member States, and General/Support Personnel hired on a contractual basis.

Pakistan’s Contribution and Future Role in CICA

Pakistan has been a key member of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA) since its inception, actively contributing to its mission of promoting peace, security, and stability in Asia. As a country with a significant geopolitical position, Pakistan’s involvement in CICA underscores its commitment to regional cooperation and dialogue, which are central to the forum’s objectives.

Pakistan has played a constructive role in various CICA initiatives, particularly in areas such as combating terrorism, enhancing regional security, and fostering economic cooperation. Its participation in the CICA framework aligns with its broader foreign policy goals of promoting regional stability and peaceful coexistence among nations. By advocating for the principles of sovereign equality and non-interference, Pakistan has supported CICA’s efforts to build a secure and prosperous Asia.

Looking ahead, Pakistan’s future role in CICA is expected to remain significant as the forum undergoes its transformation into a full-fledged international organization. Pakistan can leverage its diplomatic experience and strategic location to contribute to the development of new confidence-building measures and regional initiatives within CICA. Furthermore, Pakistan’s commitment to multilateralism and its active engagement in CICA’s activities will be crucial in addressing emerging challenges in the region, such as economic development, counterterrorism, and environmental sustainability.

Pakistan’s contributions to CICA reflect its dedication to fostering peace and cooperation in Asia. As CICA evolves, Pakistan’s continued involvement will be essential in shaping the future of this Pan-Asian organization, ensuring that it remains a vital platform for dialogue and collaboration in the region.

Prof. Engr. Zamir Ahmed Awan
Prof. Engr. Zamir Ahmed Awan
Prof. Engr. Zamir Ahmed Awan, Founding Chair GSRRA, Sinologist, Diplomat, Editor, Analyst, Advisor, Consultant to Global South Economic and Trade Cooperation Research Center, and Non-Resident Fellow of CCG. (E-mail: awanzamir[at]