More: Sri Lanka

Behind Indo-Pacific Vision

Mike Pompeo’s recent speech titled, ‘America's Indo-Pacific Economic Vision - at the Indo-Pacific Business Forum’ at the US Chamber of Commerce, Washington DC has...

Youth, Women Hold the Key to Sri Lanka’s Prosperity

In 2017, Sri Lanka had an estimated 497,000 job vacancies. Critical skills mismatches between the qualifications job seekers possess, and the expectations of employers,...

Work or Family: Sri Lankan Women Shouldn’t Have to Choose

Only 3 years separated the births of Fazeela Dharmaratne’s son Nethwin, and her daughter Pravindi. However, in just that time a lot of things...

The Indo-Pacific narrative and China

The narrative of the ‘Indo-Pacific’ has understandably gained currency over the past year. Since 2017, there has been an increasing focus on the narrative...

Sri Lanka can Boost its Development by Investing in Early Childhood Education

Today, Lalani Damayanthi Perera is pretending to be a crow. A teacher at the Singithi Kekulu Pre-school and Day Care Centre, Lalani and her...

Sri Lankans Urge Employers to Adopt Family-friendly Policies

In March this year, as part of the International Women’s Day #PressForProgress campaign, the World Bank office in Sri Lanka invited expression of views...

Sri Lanka: From My Eyes and Experiences

Sri Lanka, an island country in south Asian, located to the southwest of the Bay of Bengal and to the southeast of the Arabian...

Impact of Terrorism on Policy Making in South Asia Region

South Asia region has been raveling terrorism from decades. Despite having potential economic growth, in bulk of natural resources along with maritime possession and...

Clean Energy in South Asia and Beyond

The causes of energy transformation are essentially the need and consumption of the energy resources in the increasing growing humanity, especially since the industrial...

Exploring Regional Solution for Fishermen disputes in South Asia

Authors: Niroshika Sajeevani and Mohit Gupta F isherman issue between India and Sri Lanka has been cause of worry for both the countries,...


Maritime Reforms in Pakistan: Strategic Leap in Shipbuilding and Recycling

Pakistan stands at a crucial stage in its maritime...

Mexico: The country with the most laws named after victims of gender violence

In 2021, 70% of women in Mexico reported having...

The Closure of USAID: Is America Surrendering Its Foreign Aid Soft Power?

USAID has been central to U.S. foreign policy for...

From Goma to Bujumbura: The M23 and the Fragmentation of the Great Lakes

The conflict in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo...

