More: new normal

Poll Shows Social Distancing and Masks to Continue Despite COVID-19 Vaccination

A majority of adults said they are likely to continue socially distancing and wearing a mask in public even if they are vaccinated against...

COVID-19: New Dynamics to the World’s Politico-Economic Structure

How ironic it is that a virus invisible from a naked human eye can manage to topple down the world and its dynamics. Breaking...

Wide Variations in Post-COVID ‘Return to Normal’ Expectations

A new IPSOS/World Economic Forum survey found that almost 60% expect a return to pre-COVID normal within the next 12 months. including 6% who...

Post-Pandemic Growth Needs New Skills for New Jobs that Are Open to All

The World Economic Forum’s first Jobs Reset Summit convened more than 1,000 leaders from government, business and civil society to shape a new agenda...

Building World Order from “Plague”: Utopian, but Necessary

"In the end, we are  creatures of our own making."-Goethe, Faust From the start of the current worldwide "plague," US President Donald J. Trump has...

Global Tourism Crisis Committee Meets Again: Coordination, Vital Ingredient for Recovery

Consistent and harmonized travel protocols, enhanced safety measures and the protection of jobs and livelihoods are the main ingredients needed for the restart of...

Of Here and Now: Pandemic and Society in 2020

After a century, the world population faced a new pandemic that fast spread globally, affecting individuals both physically and mentally. Covid-19 started in late...

40 Global Future Councils Launched to Help Shape the Great Reset

Today, the World Economic Forum launched 40 Global Future Councils that enable experts worldwide to work together to shape “The Great Reset” in the...

Pandemic Recovery: Million-Job Creation Strategies

The extreme abnormal is now the new normal; across the world, the pandemic affecting hundreds of millions small medium businesses but soon will come...

How to greet in the post pandemic world?

When you extend your hand to shake, you are extending a bioweapon. Every time you touch a surface, you may be picking up to...


The Cost of CPEC: Debt, Security, and Geopolitical Struggles

Officially agreed to by the two governments in 2015,...

The Rise of Artificial Intelligence in Shaping Global Economies

In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as...

Bundesliga International and Football Diplomacy: Connecting the World Through Soccer

Football is more than just a sport; it is...

Russia-Ukraine War Beyond 2025: Shuffling US-Russia Relations and World Order

The Russia-Ukraine conflict has dramatically influenced world politics, giving...

