More: Kuwait

Non-Oil Sectors Drive Robust Growth in GCC Countries

The GCC region is estimated to have subdued economic growth of 1.6% in 2024 but is forecast to grow at 4.2% in 2025-2026, according...

The Gulf Monarchies and the Multifaceted Security Challenges They Face

In an era defined by both traditional and non-traditional security threats, the Gulf Arab states face an unprecedented matrix of challenges, from Iran’s military...

New government in Kuwait

A Kuwaiti Emiri decree was issued on Sunday evening, announcing the forming of a new cabinet led by Prime Minister-designate, Sheikh Ahmad Abdullah Al-Ahmad...

Unlocking Kuwait’s Global Influence: Toward a More Active International Role

Amidst the transformative landscape of the Middle East, where certain Arab nations actively engage in the global geopolitical arena, Kuwait finds itself at a...

GCC Economies Expected to Expand by 6.9% in 2022

The economies of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) are projected to expand by 6.9 %in 2022 before moderating to 3.7% and 2.4% in 2023...

Qatar, like Saudi Arabia and the UAE, but unlike Kuwait, cleanses its textbooks

Qatar has begun to cleanse its schoolbooks of supremacist, racist or derogatory references as well as celebrations of violent jihad and martyrdom, according to...

Bringing recycling to Kuwait

Per capita, Kuwait is among the wealthiest countries in the world. But, despite having the means, it has yet to embrace modern waste management...

India-Kuwait Bilateral Relationship

Mahatma Gandhi, India’s anti-colonial nationalist and political ethicist once remarked, “Peace between countries must rest on the solid foundations of love between individuals.” In...

Gulf soccer suggests that “The Times They Are a-Changin”

Gulf soccer may be giving Bob Dylan’s 1964 hit, ‘The Times They Are a-Changin,’ a new lease on life. Qatar surrendered its Arabian Gulf Cup hosting rights...

Four Arab Countries Among World’s Top 10 Business Climate Improvers

Economies in the Middle East and North Africa region implemented the most reforms on record to ease doing business for domestic small and medium-sized enterprises and...


Trump’s Gaza Takeover Plan and Non-Nuclear Iran: A Game-Changer or a Political Fantasy?

U.S. President Donald Trump’s recent statement about the United...

Trump, Realism and the Multipolar World

Donald J. Trump was inaugurated on January 20, 2025,...

Trump’s tariff warnings against de-dollarisation and a BRICS currency: Rhetoric vs reality

While issuing a warning to countries going in for...

The Chinese Triads in Southeast Asia: ASEAN Endeavour in Undertaking TOC

As the century goes by, criminal activities have gone...

