More: indigenous groups

“A New Year” for Papua

Papua, often referred to as the “paradise on earth” within Indonesia, is a land of immense natural wealth and cultural diversity. Its breathtaking landscapes...

Tribal Identity and Indigenous Status in Bangladesh: A Review of UN Declarations and Official Protocols

Around the world, the terms 'tribal' and 'indigenous' carry profound implications for identity, rights, and justice. Yet, their usage often raises controversies, especially when...

A Policy for a Story Indonesia Keeps Hidden: Analyzing the Papua Conflict

“I have to yell out to the world. Because if I do not, we are weakening. The indigenous will be wiped out”, says one...

Australia’s First Nations People: How Domestic Pressures Manifest Australia’s Pillars of ‘Internationalism’

Australia's First Nations People have long engaged in international diplomatic efforts as part of their political struggle to pursue rights now internalized in international...

Overlooked in the 2024 Indonesian Election: Civil Registration Issue on the Indigenous Groups

Many indigenous people in Indonesia, especially those who are living in buffer zones or hamlets are still unaware of the role of the civil...

Russo-Ukrainian War and the Indigenous Arctic Population’s Human Security

This essay focuses on analyzing how the currently ongoing Russo-Ukrainian war could possibly become one source of threat to the Arctic indigenous people’s human...

An Alternative Future: Buen vivir’s Economic and Political Implication in South America

An alternative approach of development stemming from the cosmo-visions of the Quechua peoples of the Andes’s sumak kawsay, the Aymara of Bolivia’s suma qamana,...

A safe space for Venezuela’s indigenous women

Venezuela's rural, remote, indigenous communities have been particularly affected by COVID-19 and the country's socio-economic crisis; community gardens help Wayúu women from Rio Negro...

Russian mining giant builds new settlement for indigenous peoples

The FPIC procedure, first used in Russia by the Norilsk Nickel mining company, has entered a new stage. A second round of consultations with...

Biodiversity vs. economy: The dilemma of Ecuadorian politics

Mega Diversity is the term used to refer to those countries that have a majority of diverse species, especially the endemic species (species unique...


“A New Year” for Papua

Papua, often referred to as the “paradise on earth”...

Applying Raimo Vayrynen’s Model of Conflict Transformation to the Angolan Civil-War

Raimo Varynen’s conflict transformation model is somehow similar to...

China’s Aging Crisis: The Lasting Impact of the One-Child Policy

Authors: Elijah R. Biji and Anand K.T Nambiar* "We will...

Iraq on Edge: The Regional Fallout from Syria’s Unraveling

The abrupt collapse of the Assad regime in Syria...

