More: hate speech

Human Security Perspectives on Hate Speech

As readers of this article, including myself as the writer, we have all likely encountered hate speech, sometimes without even realizing it. The way...

India’s Hate Speech Problem? 

In a batch of hate speech cases taken all the way up to India's Supreme Court, the apex court in January called on the...

Human Security Implications of Online Hate Speech against Women: the Barrier to Women’s Political Participation

Madam Sirimavo Bandaranaike, a Sri Lankan was the first female Prime minister in the world. Her beloved daughter, a Sri Lankan politician Chandrika Bandaranaike...

Cyprus: work access for asylum seekers is improved and the hate speech ban in Parliament welcomed, but problems remain

In a new report published today, the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) lauds positive steps in Cyprus since adopting its last report...

‘Urgent need’ for more accountability from social media giants to curb hate speech

The heads of many of the world’s biggest social media platforms were urged on Friday to change their business models and become more accountable...

Hate Speech in social media: Fall of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

The whole gamut of public dialogues is going online, in gatherings and programs, in audio and images, and even with emojis, since more information...

How 4chan Radicalizes Youth and Grooms Them Towards Terrorism

The image board was started in 2003 to discuss anime and various other topics but festered into a safe space for hateful rhetoric soon...

Education a powerful tool to counter hate speech

Growing polarization and intolerance are fuelling a rise in hate speech worldwide, UN Secretary-General António Guterres said on Thursday, in remarks to the opening of an online forum to counter this “global...


The Southport Murders: Misplaced Blame and the Politics of Fear

Last July, the quiet seaside town of Southport in...

Stronger Roots, Global Reach: China Securing Agricultural and Manufacturing Pathways with LDCs

In December 2024, China became the first major economy...

Lukashenko’s Sham Elections are a Stark Contrast to Belarus’ Heroic Freedom Fighters

Authors: Stephen Nix and Mark Dietzen* When Belarusian dictator Alexander...

