More: freedom of speech

Freedom: Different Societies, Different Perspectives

The human struggle over the course of history is to attain freedom, as the great German Philosopher Hegel said “History is a march towards...

Campus crackdowns: Gaza war and freedom of expression crisis

The top leadership of several Ivy League universities in the United States are facing consequences due to a crackdown on students protesting Israel's actions...

Words matter

They have consequences, whether uttered by government officials, members of parliament, military commanders, religious figures, activists, or pundits. Words become part of a battle of...

Serious concern about the use of spyware against journalists, abusive lawsuits and journalists in exile

The unlawful deployment of spyware against journalists, the use of abusive lawsuits against journalists to hamper their investigative work and the precarious situation of...

Tyranny comes to our Main Street

Americans today have the “freedom” to be fleeced, groped, wiretapped, injected, censored, injected, ticketed, disarmed, beaten, vilified, detained, and maybe shot by government agents....

Political Advertising Online: a Regulation fit for Digital Democracy

The EU's regulation on political advertising online is intended to enhance transparency, but it may inadvertently threaten free speech, especially impacting grassroots political discussions....

Regulating Quality Journalism: A Mission Impossible Against Algorithm

Authors: Hanif Abdul Halim and Haekal Al Asyari*  Due to the shift in modes of communication from mass to personalized media; concerns of digital platforms...

India Slips 11 Ranks in the World Press Freedom Index

India dropped 11 positions to take up position 161 in Reporters Without Borders' 2023 World Press Freedom Index. 180 nations are ranked based on...

Beijing and New Delhi Eject Each Other’s Reporters in 2023

In a concerning turn of events, the diplomatic tensions between China and India have escalated to the point where both countries have expelled each...

Journalism facing rising threats on all fronts

It’s a timely and apt question given revelations of an unreported consequence of the war in Ukraine – deaths of journalists. Since Russia’s launched its...


The unfinished business of universal literacy

Providing everyone with the opportunity to learn how to...

Mexico’s Judiciary Overhaul: Implications for Democracy, Economy, and Diplomacy

Mexico is currently embroiled in a highly contentious debate...

China Leverages Sisi’s Turkey Visit to Curb Muslim Brotherhood with U.S. Backing

The United States of America worked to use the...

Why Arabs Are Wary of an Anti-Iran Alliance

Despite growing Israeli-Arab collaboration, efforts to establish a NATO-like...

