More: Egypt

International soccer bodies ignore blatant rule violations in run-up to Egyptian election

International soccer bodies, in violation of their own bylaws, have ignored the blatant mixing of sports and politics in advance of this month’s Egyptian...

The Security Complex of the Persian Gulf

Authors: Mohammad Ghaderi & Javad Heiran-Nia In accord with Barry Buzan’s understanding of Regional Security Complex, the Persian Gulf region is itself a security complex...

How regional rivalries threaten to fuel the fire in Syria and Iran

Turkish allegations of Saudi, Emirati and Egyptian support for the outlawed Kurdish Workers Party (PKK) threaten to turn Turkey’s military offensive against Syrian Kurds...

How climate change and population growth threaten Egypt’s ancient treasures

In his 40-something years as an archaeological excavator on Luxor’s West Bank, Mustafa Al-Nubi has witnessed a flurry of changes. Tourist numbers have surged, fallen,...

Iranian protests expose contours of leadership in the Muslim world

If week-long anti-government protests in Iran exposed the Islamic republic’s deep-seated economic and political problems, they also laid bare Saudi Arabia’s structural inability to...

Cairo’s bad breath

If the Nile is Cairo’s ailing heart, then polluted skies are its black lungs. Choking the city with swirling dust from the early hours, they...

Egyptian President Al-Sisi steps up repression to cover policy failure

Egyptian general-turned-president Abdul Fattah Al-Sisi would likely be the first to admit that an iron fist is no guarantee for retaining power. Not because...

Israel and Cyprus: Untying the Gordian Knot on East Mediterranean Gas

Gas exploration and drilling activities in Israeli and Cypriot waters along with licensing rounds for blocks near the super-giant Zohr gas field raise the...

Iranian Perspective on Egyptian Revolution: From Optimism to Despair

From the Iranian perspective, Arab Spring and movements for Islamic resurgence in the Arab world were inspired by Islamic Revolution (1979) in Iran. It...

David and Goliath: How Qatar took on the world…and nearly won

To say that the Middle East is a region of instability would be an understatement. The ongoing violence in Syria & Iraq receives heavy...


South Africa’s G20 Presidency for 2025: A Catalyst for Energy Investment in Africa

South Africa can leverage its G20 presidency to advocate...

Fiscal Rules and Budgetary Discipline in Developing Countries

Developing countries face a constant juggling act when it...

Wings of War: The Indian Army’s Push for Aerial Dominance Through Helicopter Modernisation

In the unforgiving terrain of Ladakh, where sub-zero temperatures...

The Pressure of Eco-Anxiety on Small Islands: Between Greening and Global Responsibility

In the heart of the ocean, small islands are...

