More: Economic warfare

Change in the Paradigm of War from Physical Warfare’s to Economic Front War-Zones in 21st Century

Some realist critics in the realm of International Relations believe that in the 21st Century, wars tend to be dominated by military power and...

The role of economic warfare in understanding contemporary geopolitics

Despite Fukuyama's theses, the traditional war is not over: especially in Europe, from the former Yugoslavia to Ukraine. As for economic relations between states,...

American soft power as an instrument of global hegemony

Christian Harbulot, director and founder of the Paris School of Economic Warfare, has devoted much of his work to the study of economic warfare...

The birth of the modern concept of economic war and Bernard Esambert’s thought

Without my friend Bernard Esambert there would not certainly be the current concept of "economic warfare".  Having studied at the Ä–cole Polytechnicque, he is a...

The GMO case in the interpretation of the School of Economic Warfare

In 1983 laboratory experimentation on genetic mutation seemed to pave the way for a future technological revolution. Entrepreneurs heavily invested in research and development...

The Mittal/Arcelor case in the interpretation of the School of Economic Warfare

Among the examples of economic warfare provided by the School of Economic Warfare in Paris, it is worth mentioning the case of Mittal’s takeover...

The French economic intelligence and the Intelco case

In order for the intelligence to contribute to making the best strategic decisions, it is necessary that the mechanism linking intelligence, decision-making and actions...

The strategies of subversion in the interpretation of the French School of Economic War

The Brent Spar Case On February 16, 1995, the British government granted the Shell-UK company authority to sink an oil platform (the Brent Spar) no...

The Information warfare in the interpretation of Philippe Baumard and Jacques Baud

There is no doubt- as Baumard claims- that information warfare plays a fundamental role in today’s economy and society. Furthermore, its importance has led...

The cognitive warfare: Aspects of new strategic thinking

Combining the strategic observations on revolutionary war – those made by Colonel Trinquier during the war in Algeria, in   particular–with US strategy regarding information...


Israel’s Ceasefire and Hostage Deal with Hamas

The Israeli government has approved a groundbreaking ceasefire and...

The Cost of CPEC: Debt, Security, and Geopolitical Struggles

Officially agreed to by the two governments in 2015,...

The Rise of Artificial Intelligence in Shaping Global Economies

In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as...

