Green Planet

Reclaiming Our Planet: Combating Land Degradation, Desertification and Drought

Human existence hinges upon a healthy and thriving environment. As humanity confronts unprecedented challenges related to climate change, overpopulation, and subsequent resource depletion, there...

Sustainable Pakistan: Climate Action Now

Climate change, a global existential threat, demands concerted efforts from all nations to mitigate its impact and adapt to its unavoidable consequences. Pakistan, with...

Health and Habitat: A Holistic Approach to Climate Policies for All Earth’s Inhabitants

Our world is, our outright irreplaceable home, sending unmistakable distress calls—forests are ablaze, coral reefs are bleaching, ice fields are shrinking, diseases are proliferating,...

Tackling the Climate, Debt, and Inflation Trilemma

Climate change represents one of the most pressing existential threats to humanity. The ambitious target of preventing global average temperatures from surpassing the 1.5C...

Earth Day and the Impact of Human Habits

Authors: Dr. Arshad M. Khan and Meena Miriam Yust  Celebrated since 1970, when Senator Gaylord Nelson conceived it, Earth Day on April 22 is so...

Climate Crisis; Protecting Human Security in a Changing World

“We are the first generation who saw the impact of climate change and perhaps we are the last generation who can do something about...

Gender And Climate Change: The Climate Crisis has a Greater Impact on Women

Climate change is driving a double threat against women. The spotlight on climate change and women continues to be a hot issue because its...

Addressing South Asia’s Air Pollution Crisis through Regional Collaboration

South Asia finds itself at a critical juncture, confronting an escalating air quality challenge that significantly impacts major urban centers like Delhi, Dhaka, and...

Pakistan’s Water Pollution: Silent Threat to Health and Economy

Pakistan, like many other developing countries across the world, is beset by extreme water scarcity and pollution. There is a noticeable imbalance between the...

How far Countries are Serious about Collaborating to Address Global Climate Issues

"The number of environmental laws has increased 38-fold globally since the Stockholm declaration on the human environment in 1972 - but there has been...
