
The Cascade Effect: Local Power from Old Soviets to New Russians (1985-2015)

Authors: Matthew Crosston, PhD & Dmitrii Seltser We have undertaken an inter-regional comparison of seven subjects of the Russian Federation: the Ryazan, Samara, Tambov,...

A New Great Game in the Caspian: NATO and Russian Countermeasures

Russia has worked diligently to keep NATO from entering its perceived geostrategic territory, even if that comes at great personal cost to the nation,...

Spilt Milk: The Unintended Consequences of Russian Sanctions

In the United States the Office of Economic Sanctions Policy and Implementation (SPI) holds responsibility for the development and implementation of international sanctions. A...

Putin: Cleaning Up an American Mess

The recent appearance of Russian President Vladimir Putin before the UN was a command performance for any Western analyst who wants a deeper and...

How International Sanctions Helped Putin at Home

The United States imposed sanctions on Russia in response to the annexation of Crimea and subsequent involvement in the war in Ukraine. The sanctions...

Chessboard Strategy: Russia and UN Resolution 2117

The Russian government has made great leaps since the collapse of the Soviet Union, “moving from a globally-isolated, centrally-planned economy towards a more market-based...

The West should engage in a course correction strategy with Russia

In the aftermath of the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the Russian Federation felt vulnerable because of the cooperation between the former Soviet states...

Arctic Geopolitics: Future Conflict beyond the Caspian

Russia is not a littoral nation of just one great body of water in the Caspian. It also has its entire northern expanse along...

The Russia-OPEC-America Nexus: Reimagining the Great Oil Game

The geopolitical implication to the sudden fall in oil prices has had broad-reaching ramifications for a number of very powerful countries. Two of those...

Soft power as a threat to a hard power

2012 was fruitful for Russian legislators and painful for the NGOs. That year marked the series of laws threatening the fragile civil society in...
