Middle East

How Saudi Arabia’s canal plans could backfire

Thanks to its rift with neighbouring Saudi Arabia, Qatar could soon find itself an island nation, should the rumours that the kingdom intends to...

The Middle East: History threatens to repeat itself

If the notion that history repeats itself is accurate, it is nowhere truer than in the Middle East where the international community, caught by...

Khatami, Ahmadinejad and Rouhani on Russia’s and China’s role in the Iranian nuclear issue

During the Iranian Nuclear crisis, three presidents ruled Iran. Ayatollah Khamenei was Iran’s Supreme Leader during the aforementioned period, and one can argue that...

Iran’s Chabahar port is where Asian and Middle Eastern rivalries collide

Iran’s Indian-back port of Chabahar, inaugurated months before the United States re-imposed sanctions on the Islamic republic, is where Asia and the Middle East’s...

Syrian Kurds need their “roadmap”

While Manbij Roadmap has been agreed on by the historic allies, US and Turkey, the need for developing the similar“roadmap” for Syrian Kurds in...

US Foreign Policy in Crisis

Following the Trans-Pacific Partnership and the Paris Climate Accord, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) is the third multilateral agreement that the current...

Eurasianism wins in Turkey even if ideologue loses election

He’s been in and out of prison during Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s rule and is running against the president in this weekend’s Turkish elections with...

Bahrain’s Peaceful Gandhi might be executed

Tomorrow, Thursday, 21 June 2018, Bahrain’s High Criminal Court is expected to hand down the maximum sentence possible against the opposition leader Sheikh Ali...

The Saudi-Moroccan spat: Competing for the mantle of moderate Islam

Lurking in the background of a Saudi-Moroccan spat over World Cup hosting rights and the Gulf crisis is a more fundamental competition for the...

History Repeats Itself

Recently former Israeli Mossad Director Tamir Pardo said that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu planned to attack Iran in 2011. Mr Pardo stressed that the...
