
CPEC and Pakistan-China Energy cooperation

The demands of global energy are substantially rising day by day in the 21st century, whereas the dependency on fossil fuels like coal, oil...

The Race for Universal Energy Access Speeds Up

Fondly referred to as “mini Africa” by local residents, Sabon Gari is one of Nigeria’s biggest markets, where you can find anything from electronics...

The importance of real-world policy packages to drive energy transitions

Authors: Anita Hafner, Peter Janoska and Caroline Lee. Last December, China announced a roadmap for establishing the largest carbon market in the world: an emissions...

From energy to chemicals

Authors: Peter Levi and Araceli Fernandez Pales* We live in a world dependent on chemicals. Fertilisers are used to increase agricultural yields. The cosmetics and...

Progress with solar heat in India

The production of heat accounts for around one half of energy demand around the globe – the largest of all energy end uses. Heat...

Why Did the Oil Prices Spike 13% in One Week

What will you call a man who first grumbles about higher oil prices and then cause a rally ithis own actions? Yes, Trump. WTI...

Nuclear Power beyond Electricity: Towards Greater Efficiency in Energy Production and Water Management

Non-electric applications powered by nuclear energy offer increased energy efficiency and represent sustainable solutions for a number of energy challenges current and future generations...

The gas industry’s future looks bright over next five years

Strong demand growth from China, greater industrial demand, and rising supplies from the United States, will transform global natural gas markets over the next...

Lower cost, stable supply, economic growth: A village in Mali shifts to solar

Landlocked Mali is one of the largest countries in Africa. It is also heavily reliant on fossil fuel imports, exposing it to price volatility...

The Energy Union gets simplified, robust and transparent governance

An ambitious political agreement on the governance of the Energy Union was reached today between negotiators from the Commission, the European Parliament and the...
