Vladislav Gulevich

"International Affairs" expert

Exclusive articles:

Ukraine: Russophobia plus Russophilia

The population of Western Ukraine, though making up no more than 10-15% of the total, enjoys the disproportionately great ideological influence throughout the country....

Ukraine: Sociology and Nationalism

Ukraine’s national identity and its moral values are still high on the agenda of Ukrainian sociologists despite the fact that 30 years have passed...

Poland: Culture and history in the service of ideology

Polish (and other) politicians’ active meddling in the events currently taking place in Belarus inevitably brings to mind Warsaw's recent policy vis-à-vis its neighbors...

What does the West need Pacific’s youth for?

The rapid increase in the proportion of young people in Pacific Island countries is forcing researchers to assess the risks that could bring about...

Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and Australia amid the rising tide of secessionism in the region

Secessionist tendencies in Indonesia’s province of West Papua have recently been attracting a great deal of attention from experts and human rights activists. The main...

Malaysia in the geopolitical picture of Southeast Asia

The geopolitical changes currently unfolding in Southeast Asia underscore Malaysia’s strategic importance for the leading world powers. Until recently, the foreign policy pursued by Kuala...

Croatia fears Greater Hungary

The angry reaction by Croatia’s President Zoran Milanovic to a publication by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban in which he presented the map of Greater...

Poland and migrants: Conservatism vs economy

Poland’s migration policy has undergone a number of changes in recent years. Compared to 2011, when 100 thousand foreigners reportedly lived in Poland, at present their...

Why Warsaw denies historical facts about World War II

The painful and conflicting reaction on the part of Warsaw following President Vladimir Putin’s statement that Poland bears partial responsibility for inciting the Second World War can...

India and Visegrad Four: Meeting Each Other Halfway

Members of the Visegrad Group (Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia) are set on expanding cooperation with India. That such cooperation is of mutual interest was confirmed by...


“A New Year” for Papua

Papua, often referred to as the “paradise on earth”...

Applying Raimo Vayrynen’s Model of Conflict Transformation to the Angolan Civil-War

Raimo Varynen’s conflict transformation model is somehow similar to...

China’s Aging Crisis: The Lasting Impact of the One-Child Policy

Authors: Elijah R. Biji and Anand K.T Nambiar* "We will...

Iraq on Edge: The Regional Fallout from Syria’s Unraveling

The abrupt collapse of the Assad regime in Syria...