Shafiqul Elahi

Shafiqul Elahi is a former government official of Bangladesh

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Bangladesh in Democracy Index-2022

In February 2023, the Democracy Index-2022 has been published. London-based Economic Intelligence Unit (EIU) publishes it every year since 2006. The index is considered...


Tolstoy Peace Prize Awarded to the African Union

First-ever Leo Tolstoy Peace Prize was awarded to African...

How To Write, A Book Review “A Baker’s Dozen for Writers: 13 Tips for Great Storytelling”

"Avoid those pesky cliques," Pat Spencer, writes. She writes...

Digital Twins in the Aerospace Industry

The ‘blurring of boundaries’ between physical entities and digital...

Edmundo Gonzalez’s exile to Spain marks the latest blow to the opposition

The Venezuelan opposition leader Edmundo González Urrutia arrived in...