Sanasya Nadia Tuzahra

Sanasya Khansa Nadia Tuzahra is a student in the international undergraduate program at Universitas Gadjah Mada, majoring in international relations. She has a strong interest in international trade and economic politics.

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IJEPA: A Lifeline for Indonesian Batik MSMEs Amidst the COVID-19 Storm

The colonial era is the genesis of the lengthy history of relations between Japan and Indonesia. Despite the sordid legacy of colonialism, the economic...

The Flaring Incorporation of Artificial Intelligence in Digital Economy: Implications to Women

Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to a system that operates based on human-defined objectives and has the capability to generate predictions, suggestions, or judgments that...

Examining the Emerging Capitalism in GMOs Through International Political Economy in Everyday Life

The acknowledgment that non-state actors, including those at the local and national levels, contribute to the construction and growth of the global political economy...


From Hammurabi to ChatGPT: Why ancient legal principles apply to AI as well

In 1754 BCE, King Hammurabi of Babylon etched a...

Zhanna Shamalova: What My Journey Taught Me About Growth

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How Startups Are Harnessing AI to Eliminate Decision Fatigue Forever

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AI Startups Revolutionizing Crypto – Real-Time Market Insights That Change the Game

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