Maria Smotrytska

Dr. Maria Smotrytska is a senior research sinologist and International Politics specialist of the Ukrainian Association of Sinologists. She is currently the Research Fellow at International Institute for Middle East and Balkan Studies (IFIMES), Department for Strategic Studies on Asia. PhD in International politics, Central China Normal University (Wuhan, Hubei province, PR China) Contact information : officer[at] SmotrM_S[at]

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China’s New “Green Policy” of Sustainable Mobility and Development

Launched in 2013, China's Belt – One Road Initiative (hereinafter referred to as the BRI) is aimed to create a global transport and investment...

Maritime Transhipment lines: Congested South VS Strategic North

Improved connectivity, especially through transport links, is an essential condition for economic growth. Transport links not only provide physical access to resources, but also...

Analysis of the Logistics and Energy Map of the Eurasian Transhipment Lines: Strategic North

Abstract: Analysing the possible ways to solve the fundamental problem, the author emphasizes the importance of the largest land mass of the globe –...

Belt & Road ABCs: Analysis of “One Belt – One Road” initiative

Understanding the foreign policy and geo-economic strategies of countries, especially in such a difficult time when national borders are closed and the “militarization” of...

World Ocean Safety and Logistics: Chinese “Diplomacy of Straits”

The world ocean has always been considered an arena of confrontation between the strongest powers in the struggle for control of resources and trade...

Belt and Road 2013 – 2020: “the roads” of improvements. Lessons for China

Today it became clear that the cooperation between Europe and China in the framework of the BRI can contribute both to balanced development of...

Belt and Road 2013 – 2020: “the roads” of improvements- Lessons for Europe

Implementing of the BRI in Europe has shown, that the CEE countries, along with the PRC and the EU, should also make an efforts...

The Arctic Silk Road: Belt And Road In North Dimention. Fight For The North

ABSTRACT: Today the Arctic is one of the world's key regions both economically and in terms of military security. The melting of glaciers opens...

Conquering The North: The Battle For The Arctic

Today, the Arctic attracts the special attention of the world's strategists. Climate change is transforming the region, opening up new maritime routes and facilitating...

Belt and Road in Central and East Europe: Roads of opportunities

The second decade of the 21st century put the geoeconomic emphasis and cooperation within the framework of China's “One Belt, One Road” initiative into...


A farce & ill-advice without an awareness of Geopolitics

Over the past century or more, China has generally...

Iranian Interference in U.S. Presidential Election: A Threat to Democratic Integrity

The US officials have said that the Iranian regime...

Reimagining European Commission Portfolios: A Blueprint for Addressing Europe’s Key Challenges

I came across a leaked document revealed by Euronews...