Kirill Babaev

Doctor of Philological Sciences, Director of the Institute of Far Eastern Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor at the Financial University, RIAC Member

Exclusive articles:

Prospects for Expanding Russia’s Economic Interaction With African Countries

Russia’s return to Africa has been discussed in the media and at various levels of power for two decades. However, the impetus given to...

A Friendship Higher Than Alliance

The day of July 16 marks the 21st anniversary of the Treaty of Good-Neighbourliness and Friendly Cooperation between the Russian Federation and the People’s...


Mexico’s Judiciary Overhaul: Implications for Democracy, Economy, and Diplomacy

Mexico is currently embroiled in a highly contentious debate...

China Leverages Sisi’s Turkey Visit to Curb Muslim Brotherhood with U.S. Backing

The United States of America worked to use the...

Why Arabs Are Wary of an Anti-Iran Alliance

Despite growing Israeli-Arab collaboration, efforts to establish a NATO-like...

China-Africa: FOCAC 2024, opportunities, challenges, and perspectives

Relations between China and Africa are largely influenced by...