Jasna Čošabić, PhD

Professor of EU and IT law, GDPR specialist

Exclusive articles:

GDPR Clock is Ticking for the US Companies as Well: Top 7 Tips to Get Ready

General Data Protection Regulation is about to be applicable as from 25 May 2018. Its long-arm teritorrial reach brings obligations not only to EU...

Heading towards GDPR in 2018– Enhanced rights for citizens in the EU

One thing is certain for 2018. It will be marked with a milestone change in data protection for persons in the EU. Not only...

The right to online privacy unfolding – Barbulescu final judgment

(Reflection on text: Privacy i(n)t context of 18 April 2016, www.moderndiplomacy.eu) While there was a surge of media analyses more then one and a...

To be or not to be (connected)- The right to be (dis)connected

From the proclaimed right to be connected to the evolving right to be disconnected, only few years have passed. However in internet sphere, prompted...

IT law – a challenge of dispute resolution

IT law or cyber law or internet law, is evolving in giant steps. On its way, it has many challenges to meet and a...

Privacy i(n)t context

The right to privacy, or the right to respect for private life, as the European Convention on Human Rights guarantees it, has been affected...

Has the EU turned its back to ECHR?

Who is the supreme human rights judge in Europe? Up to 18 December 2014, it was taught or hoped to be...

Quo Vadis Digital Citizen? Can a person be only partially forgotten?

In normal life, the answer would be no.Usually, whether we are going to be remembered or forgotten is not something that we could opt...


North East India’s Counter Insurgency Efforts and the Manipur Dilemma

The North East region is the easternmost part of...

From Survival to Sustainability: A Roadmap for Indonesia and Developing Nations

In developing countries like Indonesia, the journey toward sustainability...

The United States continues to fail in the Middle East

Since October 7, 2023, the situation in the Middle...

Bangladesh: A story of blood and contradictions

On September 4th 2024, in Khulna Bangladesh, an enraged,...