Hamdan Khan

Hamdan Khan is currently working as Research Officer at Strategic Vision Institute Islamabad. He is an alumnus of the National Defence University Islamabad and has previously worked for the Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad (ISSI) and the Pakistan Council on China (PCC). Hamdan studies Global Affairs with a focus on Great-Power Politics, Programs and Policies of Nuclear Weapons States, and Emerging Military Technologies.

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China Gains Political Clout in the Middle East at the expense of the US’s Indispensability

There is yet another détente in the Middle East, but it is neither between Israel and Arabs nor has the United States of America...

Why Russia’s suspension of participation in New START augurs badly for arms control?

On February 21st, President Putin while delivering his state of the nation address announced that “Russia is suspending its membership in the New START...

What is behind the Recalibration of Japanese Security Policy?

On December 16th, 2022, the Japanese cabinet approved three crucial national security documents: 1) National Security Strategy, 2) National Defense Strategy, and 3) Defense...

2022 U.S.  Nuclear Posture Review and the Future of Global Arms Control

During the Cold War, although five states demonstrated their nuclear weapons capability and the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NTP) recognizes these as Nuclear Weapons States (NWSs)...

A New Phase of Escalation in the Russia-Ukraine War

The month of September marked a new phase of escalation in what was being branded as a “grinding war of attrition”. Invading Russian forces,...

Astana Trilateral Summit 2022: What did Russian President Achieve?

Since he launched the fateful invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, the Russian President had not traveled outside the former Soviet territories. His only...

NATO Bracing for a New Security Competition

‘Transformative’ is how NATO’s Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg described the alliance’s 2022 Madrid summit and rightly so. Held soon after the fateful G-7 summit —...

How the USA’s Bid to Pitch India as a counterweight to China is destabilizing South Asia?

South Asia indubitably presents the most precarious case for strategic stability. Two contiguous and bitterly hostile nuclear-weapon states; a festering conflict in Kashmir acting...

Crumbling CBM Frameworks and the Risk of Inadvertent Escalation

In 1962, the world witnessed the most precarious event in ages. The USA and USSR were engaged in a perilous standoff over the deployment...

Nuclear South Asia and Challenges to Strategic Stability

As he builds a theoretical explanation of Pakistan’s pursuance and acquisition of Nuclear Weapons, Feroz Hassan Khan in his seminal work on Pakistan’s Nuclear...


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On February 1, President Trump imposed 25% tariffs and...

Beyond the Old Norms: Exploring China’s New Consumption Drivers

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Constructivism on Cultural Diplomacy: Cliburn and his Music Against the Cold War

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80 Years of Auschwitz Liberation: Is History Repeating Itself?

On 27 January 1945, Soviet troops marched in and...