Ghulam Nabi Abbasi

The writer is lawyer currently pursuing LL.M in (Commercial laws) from SZABUL Karachi. He keeps interest in history, literature, Political and Legal affairs. He can be reached at: ghulamnabiabbasi457[at]

Exclusive articles:

Relentless Debate on Forced Conversions

Forced conversion is the illegal conversion of a person from one religion to another religion in duress, force, threat and without free consent. The...

Strategies to Defeat the Pandemic

The influence of the Contagion Covid19 has been inflicting the tragic and rapid augmentation in the fatalities by each passing day. The federal government...


Beyond the Old Norms: Exploring China’s New Consumption Drivers

President Xi Jinping in his speech delivered during the Central...

Constructivism on Cultural Diplomacy: Cliburn and his Music Against the Cold War

The mention of music’s role in international relations is...

80 Years of Auschwitz Liberation: Is History Repeating Itself?

On 27 January 1945, Soviet troops marched in and...

The Science of Disinformation: Cognitive Vulnerabilities and Digital Manipulation

In today’s fast-paced digital world, disinformation has become a...