Audrey Beaulieu

Audrey Beaulieu of the University of Ottawa (Globalization and International Development Department), specialised in public and private International law, international development and global politics.

Exclusive articles:

No EU Green Deal without balanced approach to Energy and Transport

On the historic date of March 08th – International Women’s Day, a large number of international affairs specialists gathered for the second consecutive summit...

Has The European Integration Process Reached A Dead End?

As part of the Geneva Lecture Series concepted and conducted by prof. Anis H. Bajrektarevic, President of the Republic of Austria Dr. Heinz Ficher...

All for Global Citizens: President Fischer on 75 years of triumph of antifascism

Early summer days of 2020 in Vienna sow marking the anniversary of Nuremberg Trials with the conference “From the Victory Day to Corona Disarray:...

The Asian Gee Gee

Authors: Audrey Beaulieu and Eugene Matos The Gee-Gee is the first horse out of the race gate; it’s an eyecatcher for gamblers. Usual to the...

Enlarge views – Europe is en/large enough

The first July day of 2020 in Vienna sow marking the anniversary of Nuremberg Trials with the conference “From the Victory Day to Corona...


“A New Year” for Papua

Papua, often referred to as the “paradise on earth”...

Applying Raimo Vayrynen’s Model of Conflict Transformation to the Angolan Civil-War

Raimo Varynen’s conflict transformation model is somehow similar to...

China’s Aging Crisis: The Lasting Impact of the One-Child Policy

Authors: Elijah R. Biji and Anand K.T Nambiar* "We will...

Iraq on Edge: The Regional Fallout from Syria’s Unraveling

The abrupt collapse of the Assad regime in Syria...