Andrei Isaev

international journalist

Exclusive articles:

Russia-Turkey: Gas partnership as an answer to Western sanctions

In early November, the European Union extended for the umpteenth time its sanctions against Turkey for another year for Ankara’s allegedly illegal exploration of...

“Kurdish Spring”: drawing to a close?

For decades, the Kurdish problem was overshadowed by the Palestinian one, occasionally popping up in international media reports following the much-publicized arrest of the...

Turkey on the lookout for allies

The scaling down of the US presence in the Middle East and the possible strengthening of Iran's positions following the lifting of the American...

Russia, Turkey and the new geopolitical reality

The recent Russia – Turkey summit in Sochi, even though yielding no tangible outcomes (as became clear well before it, the summit would  not...

Ankara “goes at” Cyprus again

On July 20 a parade was held in Lefkoşa, the capital of the so-called Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), which marked the anniversary...

Turkish military in Afghanistan: Mission hardly possible

NATO’s plans to leave a Turkish military contingent after the withdrawal of all other troops from Afghanistan quickly came to dominate the discussion points...

Turkey and conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh

The position of Turkey, which has sided with one of the warring parties in Nagorno-Karabakh, is starkly at variance with many countries’ and international...

Turkey-EU: Contradictory friendship with no strings attached

It looks like Turkey’s European choice, proclaimed by Ataturk, is finally becoming a thing of the past. Moreover, this trend is apparently being...

Restoration of Syria: Words and deeds

On July 1st leaders of Russia, Turkey and Iran gathered for the next summit on Syrian settlement. Given the pandemic, the summit was held...

Libyan conflict puts NATO to the test

Domestic and external actors never tire of calling for a ceasefire in Libya, but the situation continues to escalate nonetheless, both in and outside...


“A New Year” for Papua

Papua, often referred to as the “paradise on earth”...

Applying Raimo Vayrynen’s Model of Conflict Transformation to the Angolan Civil-War

Raimo Varynen’s conflict transformation model is somehow similar to...

China’s Aging Crisis: The Lasting Impact of the One-Child Policy

Authors: Elijah R. Biji and Anand K.T Nambiar* "We will...

Iraq on Edge: The Regional Fallout from Syria’s Unraveling

The abrupt collapse of the Assad regime in Syria...