The White Helmet myth: A soft war propaganda

The White Helmets are repetitively described as volunteers and relentlessly depicted as heroes in the war zone. A suspicious Organization backed by the British Government, known US regime change facilitators USAID, the US and NATO-backed ‘Syrian National Council’, a parallel government, which these pillars claim to represent the Syrian opposition.

Their role has comes under increasing scrutiny, as they are allegedly “work with full impartiality and neutrality, sacrificing their lives for the sake of the Syrian People”. Indeed, the majority of those same Syrian people have never seen those “heroes,” except perhaps for those in the Takfiris or the dwindling “Free Syrian Army” held territories.

The British Foreign Office predominantly finances the White Helmets; a generated mythology by a hypocrite international mainstream media, overseen and driven by a George Soros collaborated by PR company; called Purpose. They have a strangely advanced public relation in terms of very professional websites, videos and PR strategy dropping stories at the right time. They use professional terminology and images, in the sense of conveying the message that they are performing a humanitarian mission.

James Le Mesurier, who has founded the White Hamlets in March 2013, in Turkey, is a former British army officer and military contractor with an impressive record of accomplishment in the most dubious NATO intervention theatres. He is an efficient student of Britain’s prestigious Royal Military Academy of officer training at Sandhurst, who has served in various high-profile military deployments, at the United Nations, European Union, and UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office, over the past three decades.

Further, Le Mesurier is virtually a predominant figure in the UK’s blood-soaked imperialist hegemony and partook in malign dirty wars, Yugoslavia in particular, Kenya, Aden, Ireland, Iraq, Libya, etc. He regards the so-called civil defence organisation as an “unarmed and neutral” group. Whilst the White Helmets are obviously biased, armed, a synthetic covert intelligence and forward-operating disinformation asset.

Le Mesurier left the British Army in 2000 and served as the deputy head of the Advisory Unit on ‘Security and Justice’, and Special Representative of the Secretary General’s security policy body within the UN mission in Kosovo. He went to Jerusalem to work on implementing the Ramallah Agreement, to Baghdad as a special advisor to Iraqi Minister of Interior, to the UAE to train their gas field protection force, and to Lebanon during the 2006 war. In Dubai, Le Mesurier was appointed as the Vice President for Special Projects at private mercenary firm Olive Group, in 2005, and in January 2008, as Principal for Good Harbour International.

Le Mesurier and other opposition protagonists such as Raed Saleh and Farouq al Habib’s military and intelligence associations drive us more cynical about the claims of impartiality and lack of bias of the White Helmets. In fact, Le Mesurier has been portrayed as a maverick hero, miraculously coincided with the formation of a Syria Civil Defence team in Istanbul, merely a few months prior to the discredited Ghouta ‘chemical weapon’ attack in August 2013. That alleged fake event has been proven beyond a doubt to be a fabricated attack, as well as the successive accusations levied at the Syrian Government, which narrowly failed to precipitate the NATO’s desired ‘No Fly Zone’.

Scott Ritter, former US Marine Corps intelligence officer and weapons inspector in Iraq, provides a forensic account of Le Mesurier’s background. Ritter confirms, “the organizational underpinnings of the White Helmets can be sourced to a March 2013 meeting in Istanbul between a retired British military officer, James Le Mesurier—who had experience in the murky world of private security companies and the shadowy confluence between national security and intelligence operations and international organizations—and representatives of the Syrian National Council (SNC) and the Qatari Red Crescent Society. Earlier that month, the SNC was given Syria’s seat in the Arab League at a meeting of the league held in Qatar.”

The Syrian Civil Defence, established in 1953, is registered with the International Civil Defence Organisation, since 1972. Other civil societies and humanitarian organisations inside Syria like the Syrian Arab Red Crescent and other children, women, peace, human rights, culture, concerned organisations have received no attention in flashy media appearance. However, within a surprisingly short period, the White Helmets have gained an unexpected attention and support from Western governments, mainstream media and ditto political elites.

For years now, there has been a malicious tsunami and round-the-clock allegations claiming that President Bashar Al-Assad is “targeting his own people indiscriminately,” by the White Helmets’ finance sources. The White Helmets state, “funding for their humanitarian relief work is received from the aid budgets of Japan, Denmark, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the United States.” They, seemingly, have an annual budget of $300k and has raised a total support of well over US$ 100 million. The Turkish Elite Natural Disaster Response Team (AKUT) has additionally provided logistical support.

Moreover, various investigations have revealed that the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has been a major shareholder in the White Helmet organisation. The USAID’s website writes, “our work supports long-term and equitable economic growth and advances US foreign policy objectives by supporting: economic growth, agriculture and trade; global health; and, democracy, conflict prevention and humanitarian assistance.” Undoubtedly, The USAID serve a malicious role in the dismantling of sovereign nations and their reduction to Western hegemony vassal states, under the pretences of freedom and democracy.

Richard Spencer of the London Telegraph has said, “The Foreign Office is currently the largest single source of funding. It is an irony that if Britain does effectively become an ally of Assad, and starts raids against ISIL in Syria, it will be bombing from the air and paying for the bodies to be dug out on the ground. The White Helmets are also operating in at least one ISIL -held area.”

Noticeably, the White Helmets have a clear agenda associated with the conspiracy of overthrowing the Syrian regime, proven through the financial and political support they have granted to the armed groups involved in the conflict. The White Helmet myth-building process as emphasised by their website maintains, “The volunteers save people on all sides of the conflict – pledging commitment to the principles of ‘Humanity, Solidarity, Impartiality’ as outlined by the International Civil Defence Organisation.  This pledge guides every response, every action, every life saved – so that in a time of destruction, all Syrians have the hope of a lifeline.” The site adds, “The White Helmets mostly deal with the aftermath of government air attacks.  Yet they have risked sniper fire to rescue the bodies of government soldiers to give them a proper burial.”

In addition, the White Helmets are claimed to be ordinary Syrian civil volunteers who save the civilians and are rightly altruistic “bakers, tailors, engineers, pharmacists, painters, carpenters, students and many more, the White Helmets are volunteers from all walks of life.” However, they are, virtually, executioners with a human face and part of the terrorist groups who serve Western intelligence and political propaganda. They are nothing but a political lobbying, a weaponised organisation who speaks toughly against the Syrian government, Iran, Russia and their allies. They receive massive funds from NATO and EU countries, which are militarily involved in the conspiracy against Syria.

The Zionist imperialist soft war relies upon its hypocrite mainstream media to disseminate its propaganda, propelling the MENA region into a sectarian conflict. Suspicious NGOs, such as the White Hamlets, are cynically instrumented to render vulnerable nations dependent upon foreign aid and donor support in order to facilitate “Democratisation,” the Zionist imperialist murky agenda. These doubtful NGOs cease to be the neutral and unbiased; they too publically purport to be ‘humanitarian organisations. Instead, they are covert tools for foreign interventions and regimes change’s conspiracies. The White Helmets’ propaganda is misleading and highly prejudiced, when in fact they are apparently paid mercenaries, impostors and agents; a drama, which is unfolding terrorist strongholds areas that are devoid of populations.

Currently, Terrorists in Syria’s Eastern Ghouta are hiding in civilians’ homes, taking away food and stealing instructions on how to pass through the humanitarian corridor. The terrorists are continuing their attacks despite the daily humanitarian pauses injuring the locals. The daily humanitarian pause was established on February 27. Earlier in February, the UN Security Council adopted a resolution proposing a 30-day humanitarian ceasefire in Syria.  According to the Russian Center for Reconciliation, the terrorists deprive people of special brochures with instructions on how to pass through the humanitarian corridor. It has also warned that “jihadists are plotting mortar shelling of [the UN humanitarian] convoy and putting the blame on the government forces.”

Earlier, the Syrian government has gotten information on provocations prepared by the terrorist groups; including, Jabhat al-Nusra, Feylaq al-Rahman and Akhrar al-Sham, using poisonous agents” in Eastern Ghouta. God forbid, a predictable chemical attack is being prepared by those murderers to give the West an opportunity to blame the Syrian government for using chemical weapons against its people.

First published in our partner Mehr News Agency

Sondoss Al Asaad
Sondoss Al Asaad
Sondoss Al Asaad is a Lebanese freelance journalist, political analyst and translator; based in Beirut, Lebanon. Al Asaad writes on issues of the Arabs and Muslims world, with special focus on the Bahraini uprising.