For those globally exposed and open-minded, it takes just a day to understand the interconnectedness of our world. We see why some 100 countries of the free world are already in labor pains, giving birth of sorts, and going through critical metamorphosis. This is a common story across most free nations.
Every nation, every such stage, emerges more robust, heavily exposed to global markets, against international standards and narratives, and more resilient. The repeated meltdown of the national citizenry and the national resistance at boiling points all help forge new character. But this transformation is not automatic. It requires superior leadership and a change in mindset, a collective effort where the nation stands united.
From a crawling worm to becoming a beautiful butterfly is no ordinary task; it is a miracle
Pakistan is just a new baby: Now, take a week to observe the rise of the ‘commonality of problems’ across 100 countries and notice the availability of ‘commonality of solutions.’ Now, search for leadership capable of delivering such common solutions. Here, you will see how common sense flies out of the window as left are only the destructive forces, those stupid enough to ignore the value of nation-building but comfortable for publicly self-auctioned for loose change.
Across the world, when corruption is hated, rejected, forbidden, and illegal in every country but openly practiced everywhere, it only proves its institutionalization. Unless economies become accountable for amounts and totals, nations are doomed. Unlimited currency printing is an open-proof.
This is now proof that humankind’s problems require humankind’s solutions
This tactical battlefield now calls for leadership, the real living warriors, not the fake types hiding, the narcissists always in front of the mirrors, or the incompetents always surrounded by more incompetents to appear functional. We will not discuss here the diaper-change types, mentally deranged, visibly harassed, mumbling, and juggling corruption, but openly incapable of measuring the real-value of a nation or a country over some temporary minuscule blocks of assets.
Such gaps of stupidity within any government also point to the urgent need for strict law and order and the search for grassroots prosperity. This also proves that only multilateralism will survive, that socialistic thinking is a better path and that the critical 2024 election is all about grassroots prosperity and social justice, not about crypto-wealth, psycho-addiction to printing currency, and a seek-and-destroy mentality.
Pakistan, like a newborn right now, is in the middle of an extraordinary global shift: Globally, the geriatrically controlled intellectualism declared a liability will be herded to the green pastures, and a new youthful generation of new globally exposed and inter-connected will step in.
The Global Metamorphosis:
It all began in 2000 with the birth of 140 million babies worldwide. By 2018, they had reached voting age. Today, at 24, they stand on the cusp of a new era. In the next 2000 days, as we approach 2030, they will turn 30. They will be joined by 1.5 billion younger voters who have come of voting age in the last 30 years. This collective will form the largest, most interconnected, and globally aware society in the history of civilizations. They are the children of 2000, poised to shape our world.
Firstly, they learned geography not from the atlas but from deep immersion in real-living colors on the live Internet. Their daily circumnavigation of the world rationalized all this by finger-walking and web-surfing. They inherited their own culture, origins, and rights. They are comfortable in their own skin and equally color-blind to other skins. They think in global space and take pride in their nationalism. Hence, they will support multilateralism, globalization, and a collaborative future.
Secondly, they cannot be fooled all the time; their global connectivity and exposure protect them from fake value manipulation economies, wars, pandemics, or woke cultures designed to divide and create unrest. They witnessed technologically advanced engineering of well-planned hate manufacturing. They watched the systematic downfall of institutions. They observed socio-economic destruction as a well-managed art and socio-political tool; therefore, they are far better equipped to figure out how weaponization and politicization of such ideas only hurt all humankind. They will openly fight such shenanigans.
Why is the emergence of a new world of ‘alpha dreamers’ suddenly so important globally? Who are they, and what might happen next? They are ‘alpha’ because they are the first ever-largest globally aware, universally oriented group on this planet; they are the ‘dreamers’ because they express enough consciousness to embrace humankind and are curious enough to dream of a better future. Their potential impact is immense, as they possess some powerful qualities that previous generations never had. What is that? How will they succeed?
Imran Khan is the most globally connected, exposed, and like a messenger, a true warrior, marching on faith for Pakistan and the Muslim World. His possible release after a year in prison on a fake charge is a small error in the long history of corruption, but his force of courage to fix the ‘commonality of the problems’ is an earthquake not only for Pakistan but also for the OIC nations. Each is hungry for uplifting citizenry and nation to stand up to the global age of competition, looking for solutions, and the only methodology known to humankind, once deployed, will blossom under exemplary leadership.
Imran Khan, 71, was ousted in April 2022. Since then, he has faced over 100 fake indictments, which his party has denounced as politically motivated. On Monday, the Islamabad High Court overturned former Prime Minister Imran Khan’s conviction for leaking state secrets. He remains behind bars, however, for allegedly violating Islamic tradition with his marriage.
Now, take a month to study the key factors:
ONE: It is not capitalism failing; it is economic development. With salaries of the nation frozen for the last many decades, economic slavery by the citizenry is now percolating at a pre-revolutionary pace.
TWO: The economic development team is not to blame for this situation; the mindset must be balanced. Decade after decade, the visible competency, now identified and categorized, is still openly repeated with no improvements.
THREE: Across the 100 economies engaged in economic development, 99% of mindsets are ‘job-seekers’ as they build enterprises needed, and critically necessary are ‘job-creators’ mindsets, those who create such enterprises in the first place. Study Mindset Hypothesis.’ Â Open like a book, the current combined chaos has set the stage for the most significant global economic collapse, and the 2024 elections at times appear as the last resorts to try to balance it.
FOUR: This represents a positive challenge that needs to be adequately deciphered and correctly analyzed. Unfortunately, borderless nations, like real estate projects herding citizenry, are marked, categorized as in the stockyards, drunk on data, missing out on fundamental issues, and intoxicated in national debt, swinging like naked apes on their abstract success. The 2024 elections become the acid test.
Global March of the Alpha Dreamers:
Very quietly, since 2000, in the calm of silence, the restlessness of citizenry has dug deeper, making this sector of the global populace more informed, better connected, and therefore wiser. Street smartness has evolved into global-age smartness. A century ago, the only talk on any local street was about local gossip; today, the only talk on any local street in the world is all about global gossip.
Pakistan is at War, an internal war of mindsets
Facts: Economic development without entrepreneurialism is only economic destruction. Any political power without economic power is no power. Any economic power without entrepreneurial power is no growth. Any entrepreneurial power without a balanced mindset hypothesis is no power. The mindset hypothesis creates a balance between the job seeker’s and job creator’s mindsets. Increasing the debt ceiling is not an economic success but a grand failure. Abandoning a national citizenry that cannot stand up to global age competitiveness is a political failure. Inabilities to identify, categorize, and digitize high-potential SMEs is an economic development failure.
Now, take a year to acquire mastery of the following
Three Red Alerts: Nevertheless, failing to understand the ‘mindset hypothesis,’ the difference between the job seeker and job creator mindsets is the first red alert in any senior-level dialogue on SME economic recovery. Failing to articulate the ‘National Mobilization of Entrepreneurialism’ is the second red alert in any significant economic development activity. Failing to produce functional regional models of ‘identification, categorization, and digitization’ of potential SMEs is the third red alert of any SME sectoral policies—more on Google.
The nation of Pakistan must count seconds and march: categorically, not with legs, but with fingers on keyboards and awakened minds on the go. These alpha dreamers dream of a better Pakistan, setting a rare example for the Islamic World. This is the nation transforming from a crawling worm to a beautiful butterfly. Deep thinking and global age connectivity on display create a national rhythm and global beat. At this point, The Brief History of the Superpower Economies is an essential reference.
Welcome home, Captain, Pakistan waits for you. The rest is easy.