What is the point of life? “The question lacks a definitive answer, remaining elusive. However, its existence in our subconscious prompts self-discovery. Pursuing answers allows individuals to understand themselves, explore limits, and live purposefully”, says Anuj Sethi, an educator at the Program for Life. Anuj is also the Director at Victor Manickam Knowledge Group aimed to empower people to find a purpose and lead a better life. Sounds like a cliche but it’s more than that.
Recently, I had the privilege of joining a one of a kind program called “Program For Life” popularly called PFL, designed and conducted by the Victor Manickam Knowledge Group, where I learned about diverse areas of my own life, patterns that were bred into them, how to break out of them and reach diverse realizations. “My goal is for learners to grasp and impact the five life aspects (Relationships, Health, Career & Education, Wealth, Self Awareness), allowing them to align these areas. Ultimately, I aim for individuals to authentically author their lives”, says Victor Manickam, the founder of Victor Manickam Knowledge Group that has created the Program For Life.
And the program did take me on a whole deeper journey. It was internally challenging for me on some days while being awe inspiring on others. Eventually, I realized this program had taught me more than all the solo trips I had taken across the world, marine life I had witnessed in the ocean as a master scuba diver, books I authored, tonnes of spiritual trips I made over the years and mountain ranges I had climbed in the Himalayas. Through Program For Life, I could consolidate and relate all my life experiences together, weave them into my story, connect the dots and feel like a more balanced individual. In short – Program For Life is a magical experience and people testify. It’s not just me. “Seeking spirituality due to detachment from relationships, I explored self-help but found short-lived relief. PFL introduced by my son transformed me. I discovered the human design that fostered oneness, love, acceptance, surrender, responsibility, and creating peace. Now, I live with self-awareness, reshaping my life from within. PFL is my way of life”, says Jyoti Mahajan, a learner from the Feb 2020 batch.
At Program For Life, I learned the art of understanding myself, forgiving, accepting myself for who I am and finding gratitude. Every session opened the page for something new, a new revelation or breakthrough which stayed with me till the next session. I eagerly waited to talk to my coach – Anuj Sethi, who is far more advanced in his practice of deep observation and deep listening than anyone I’ve ever met. He’s the human personification of books like Think Like A Monk, Ikigai, The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari, Atomic Habits, Wabi Sabi and other books in the genre. Sethi offered me practical advice, asking me questions and finally leading me to the edge that led me to the realization – I am responsible for everything that’s happened in my life so far and everything that will happen later. I have nothing to prove to anyone. We are on our own journey here. “Students learn to interpret life without blame, take responsibility, manage expectations, navigate achievements and failures, value authentic relationships, and perceive the world through individual perspectives”, says Sethi when asked about common learnings that happen during the course. The course made me feel all kinds of emotions – happiness, joy, awe, anger, sadness, hope, gratitude and compassion. Thereby taking me closer to my childhood self where I experienced feelings more vibrantly than the 24 year old me does now.
Before the start of Program For Life, I was couriered a spiral bound book – containing around 150 pages filled with prompts about my personal life, career, sections of hurt, forgiveness and other domains. This has turned into my life’s book and I call it my Bible. I carry this with me wherever I go and use the book while engaging in the course.
To begin with, Program For Life starts with a Personal Assessment Test where the five spokes of an individual’s personal life are gauged. “it is important to start the course with a Personal Assessment Test to understand the ground from which an individual is entering the course”, says Sethi.
“Program for Life inspires communities by increasing awareness, instilling values, and building characters through a 100-hour curriculum. Focused on reflection, forgiveness, acceptance, and gratitude, it fosters critical thinking, overcoming obstacles for success.”, Sethi reflects. A particularly moving activity I engaged in during the course involved me closing my eyes, listening to the theme song of “This Is Us” and imagining my dream life. I imagined myself diving at the age of 60, even though I’m 25. I could see far into the future. I visualized independence, freedom, connection with nature and love. Then my mentor Anuj Sethi asked me to open my eyes and share what I visualized. After a beautiful discussion, I reached the understanding that I embody love and freedom and my core desire is to build a life around that. How beautiful is that?
However, the course was not only easy flowing bits involving visualization of pretty movie-like scenes. Some bits of the course were challenging and got me to terms with myself , especially the section on forgiveness. I learned to practice forgiveness towards the core people in my life – be it parents, siblings, partner or friends. The section on forgiveness is something I grappled with for weeks. I distinctly remember writing a particular forgiveness letter four times. Over and over again. Week after week. Anuj made me write the letters over and over since with each consequent letter more authenticity poured out. As I created a space to be authentic in the letters, I also realized it’s crucial to be authentic overall to lead a better quality of life. While I struggled with the forgiveness letter, I know other learners had their own struggles during the course. Anuj informed me some students struggle with acceptance and others with gratitude. Even though the course structure for Program For Life is the same for everyone undertaking it, no two people experience the same journey.
Over the duration of the course, it was fascinating to find seven ornaments of my life, the answers to life’s seven crucial questions including – What is my legacy? Who am I? What is the world I am in? What is my purpose in life? What is the reason I exist? What is my contribution to the world? I am?
Over the course of 120 hours, I discovered I am love and freedom. My world is made of infinite possibilities. My purpose is to share and create knowledge. My legacy is sharing love. I exist to live and experience. My contribution is learning, experiencing and sharing. I am an instrument. Even though these might seem like simple words to read, the feeling of discovering these words for myself has been profound.