Chinese President’s Europe Visit

President Xi Jin Ping is on an important European trip from 5-10 May 2024. His first destination is France, and then he will travel to Serbia and Hungary before completing his European trip.

President Xi Jin Ping is on an important European trip from 5-10 May 2024. His first destination is France, and then he will travel to Serbia and Hungary before completing his European trip. It is his Europe trip after a gap of five years, and carries a lot of significance, as many things are happening in the global affairs during these five years, starting from outbreak of COVID-19, Ukraine War, Middle-East turmoil, etc. His trip will definitely narrow down the Europe-China differences and improve cooperation and collaboration based on win-win.

France is member of EU, Member of NATO and Permanent Member of United Nation Security Council and very important ally with the US. And US is using its European Allies, including France, in its anti-China campaign, aimed to contain China, Counter China, and resist the rise of China. Especially, since President Joe Biden became President, he used all cold war tactics and ganged up against China.  However, France is always emphasizing on “European Sovereignty” and has voted against the will of US on many policy issues at UN. French President had a very successful China visit in 2023 and shown interest to improve bilateral relations with China.

This year marks the 60th anniversary of diplomatic ties between China and France, a significant milestone bridging past and future of China-France relations. Throughout these six decades, the two nations have fostered a steadfast friendship based on principles of independence, mutual understanding, strategic vision, and win-win cooperation. Together, both have charted an extraordinary journey, forging a close and enduring comprehensive strategic partnership that sets an example for Sino-Western relations.

China-France bilateral cooperation has flourished, with trade and investment reaching unprecedented levels. Over the years, the trade has surged nearly 800-folds, reaching $78.9 billion, while cumulative two-way investment exceeds $26 billion. With over 2,000 French companies deeply embedded in the Chinese market, the economic ties have become deeply symbiotic, exemplified by flagship projects like the Daya Bay Nuclear Power Plant and Airbus A320 Family assembly facilities in Tianjin.

As integral parts of the Eurasian continent, China and France represent distinct civilizations, yet we share a commitment to mutual respect and cooperation. Our relationship stands as a testament to the potential for collaboration between nations of different cultures and systems. With no geopolitical conflicts or fundamental clashes of interest, our partnership thrives on independent thinking, cultural fascination, and result-oriented cooperation.

As the two friends stand at a crossroads in global development, China is poised to deepen exchanges and cooperation with France, ushering the relationship into a new era of productivity and innovation.

Looking ahead, both nations are committed to enriching the economic and trade dimensions of deep partnership, opening new avenues for cooperation and fostering innovation. China remains dedicated to importing high-quality French products and extending visa exemptions to enhance people-to-people exchanges.

Furthermore, both countries are determined to deepen China-Europe mutually beneficial cooperation, recognizing the pivotal role the two nations play in shaping a multipolar world. By strengthening political trust and expanding cooperation in emerging fields such as green energy and digital economy, both countries can contribute to global peace, stability, and prosperity.

Amidst global challenges such as climate change and geopolitical tensions, China and France stand united in the commitment to multilateralism and dialogue. By upholding the principles of equality and mutual respect, we can build a more inclusive and harmonious international order.

As China and France celebrate the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations, President Macron and President Xi reaffirm the commitment to strengthening cooperation across all domains, from trade and investment to cultural exchange and climate action. The partnership reflects a shared vision for a brighter future, founded on mutual respect, understanding, and cooperation.

President Xi Jinping’s visit to France underscores the enduring friendship and shared commitment to global cooperation between the two nations. As we embark on this journey, let’s seize the opportunity to deepen mutual ties and chart a course for a more prosperous and peaceful world.

President Xi’s next stop will be Serbia, a close and trust worthy ally of China. Finally he will visit Hungary, again a close friend since communist era.

It is expected that China and Europe will be close partners in global developments and promote peace stability and prosperity.

Prof. Engr. Zamir Ahmed Awan
Prof. Engr. Zamir Ahmed Awan
Prof. Engr. Zamir Ahmed Awan, Founding Chair GSRRA, Sinologist, Diplomat, Editor, Analyst, Advisor, Consultant to Global South Economic and Trade Cooperation Research Center, and Non-Resident Fellow of CCG. (E-mail: awanzamir[at]