The 2024 Elections: Shocks, Jolts, Grand Failures & Few Winners

By December of this year, the fog will clear up, and amid the misery, the dusty grounds of elections of 2024, new giant shadows will appear.

By December of this year, the fog will clear up, and amid the misery, the dusty grounds of elections of 2024, new giant shadows will appear, some walking boldly straight, some limping, and some being carted out; the cruelty of the polls did not suddenly appear in 2024, rather a lingering history of pain for many decades. 

Here are the following observations as half the populace readies for big shocks, lightning jolts, surprise polls, grand failures, and few winners, a grand puzzle of chaos and instability. Nevertheless, no single country can ever solve all the global problems, even though one single country can cause all of the global problems. In the last century, Germany led that position.

With most of the major national and global institutions already lost credibility, these elections stand as one of the last bastions to prove the existence of democracy, which is now at risk of losing its face. The urgency and importance of the 2024 elections cannot be overstated, as they hold the key to the future of democracy. 

In the absence of a simple human-made cross on ballot, one vote, one identity, one-day results, a historic combination of historic elections. Now, it has changed to the new system, where electro-psycho-techno-identity under Wokeism runs the selection over in-mail, with results in an unlimited number of days. Where to lead the tyrannical games, super-high-tech data manipulations would reject humankind’s common sense; this may threaten the sudden mobilization of the already restless citizenry in some countries. 

The 2024 elections are not just about regime changes, eliminating all signs and symbols of opposing ideologies, and creating a new cult-like victory. They seek a turning point, a critical juncture for democracy and global prosperity.  Surprisingly, the decades-long struggles to create grassroots prosperity during the last decades under Capitalism failed miserably. 

What is not working, and who is stopping?

The National Grassroots Prosperity is now National Grassroots fires
The Elections are only selections as cyclical makeovers
The Education is an unproductive loss and a liability 
The Economy is broken from the outside, inside, and all around
The governments are silent and scared to open any candid debates
The Bureaucracies are afraid of and waiting for the wrath of AI 

What is working? Rationality has failed to solve the deep lingering problems for decades. Very little is working, very little is advancing, and very little is understood while only the restlessness rises.

Today, digitization has made it possible to apply digital bleach and explore the openly accessible profiles and data on LinkedIn and Google; one can clearly understand the range of skills used and measure results and progress across the 100-plus economies of the free world. Just try it. 

What will it show how disconnected policies and mismatched economic development teams without any direct hardcore entrepreneurial development skills or experiences toying with economies, as Wokeism experimentations with inflation, recessions, and depressions and blaming restless citizens while avoiding open debates or authoritative dialogues is where the elections will be tested.  All this can be fixed all teams can be trained but only when mindsets are adjusted.

There are four undeniable global facts and their inflictions on the worldwide populace: Observe the rise of the ‘commonality of problems’ with the availability of ‘commonality of solutions.’ This is proof of when humankind’s problems require humankind’s solutions. This also proves that only multilateralism will survive, socialistic thinking is a better path, and the 2024 election is about grassroots prosperity and social justice, not about crypto-wealth and psycho-addiction to printing currency and seek and destroy mentality—the four factors.

ONE: It is not Capitalism that is failing but economic development. With salaries frozen for the last many decades, economic slavery by the citizenry is now percolating at a pre-revolutionary pace.

TWO: The economic development team is not to blame for this situation; the mindset needs to change and balance. Decade after decade, the visible competency, now identified and categorized, is still being openly repeated with no improvements 

THREE: Across the 100 economies engaged in economic development, 99% of mindsets are ‘job-seekers’ as they build enterprises needed, and critically needed are ‘job-creators’ mindsets, those who create such enterprises in the first place. Open like a book, the current combined chaos has set the stage for the most significant global economic collapse, and the 2024 elections at times appear as the last resorts to try to balance it

FOUR: This represents a positive challenge that needs to be adequately deciphered and correctly analyzed. Unfortunately, borderless nations, like real estate projects herding citizenry, are marked, categorized as in the stockyards, drunk on data, missing out on fundamental issues, and intoxicated in national debt, swinging like naked apes on their abstract success. The 2024 elections become the acid test. 

Around the world, in the year 2000, some 140 million babies were born; by 2018, they all became voters, and now, at 24 years of age, they are not just planning their future but envisioning a future where they can revolutionize their governments for better performances, instilling a sense of hope and optimism in the global landscape. 

In just 2000 days, we arrive in 2030, and they will be 30 years old and ready to take bold actions in public and private life to change the world. They will also be accompanied by 1.5 billion younger voters who will also age with them. This will be the largest; most highly connected, and most globally informed society in the history of civilizations.  

They are not just any generation but the first-ever generation of the super-connected world, the post-Internet generation. Their unique perspective, shaped by their observations of the global age and their respect for interconnectivity, interdependence, and multilateralism, allows them to dream of a better world. They are not just dreamers but Alpha Dreamers, poised to change the world. [Excerpted from Alpha Dreamers by Naseem Javed, Published by Metrostate Syndication 2019 Amazon]

The Children of 2000: Centuries ago, by the time a person acquired ‘worldly knowledge,’ it was just about time to die. Today, teenagers worldwide have worldly knowledge, thanks to the Internet, which is the most significant invention ever and the greatest gift from the USA to the world. This technological marvel has shaped the knowledge and understanding of entire generations, a fact that changed the world forever. [Excerpted from literature and lecture series The Children of 2000, published 1995, Naseem Javed]

March of the Alpha Dreamers: Very quietly, since 2000, in the calm of silence, the restlessness of citizenry has dug deeper, making this sector of the global populace more informed, better connected, and therefore wiser. Street smartness has evolved into global-age smartness. A century ago, the only talk on any local street was about local gossip; today, the only talk on any local street in the world is all about global gossip.

The Open Challenge: There are no mysterious, unexplainable outer space issues; this hardcore classic economic collapse needs When Will Economic Intellectualism Finally Surrender to Entrepreneurial Mysticism.”

The Danger Sign: When the ‘political economy’ conceals its errors by transforming them into survival propaganda, it prioritizes its selective interests over the nation’s welfare. Traces of Woke-Machiavellianism have now led to economic crises in most of the 100 free world economies today. 

Three Red Alerts: Nevertheless, failing to understand the ‘mindset hypothesis,’ the difference between the job seeker and job creator mindsets is the first red alert in any senior-level dialogue on SME economic recovery. Failing to articulate the ‘National Mobilization of Entrepreneurialism’ is the second red alert in any significant economic development activity. Failing to produce functional regional models of ‘identification, categorization, and digitization’ of potential SMEs is the third red alert of any SME sectoral policies—more on Google. 

Entrepreneurial mysticism and economic intellectualism are two different approaches to business. Economic intellectualism relies on academic principles and theories and forecasts trajectories, while entrepreneurial mysticism is totally unexplainable; in each case, each challenge, without business plans, is more intuitive and spontaneous, producing deep, sound, and solid results. No other human skill or AI automation force can ever dream, create, develop, and grow new enterprises with the potential to become global giants. Hence, it is feared by academia and economic schooling.  At this point, The Brief History of the Superpower Economies is an essential reference.

The grim picture of leadership:  How many world leaders possess the skills and capabilities to deliver a sensible working economy? How many of them have credible integrity admired by their citizens? How many have the respect and global acceptance to work on the worldwide stage with leadership and guide global affairs in the right direction? 

Today, how many new and upcoming leaders have visibly correct thinking and dramatically sharper skills with integrity? What public support will they get to balance national economies and global affairs to tackle humanity’s challenges of grassroots prosperity and environments? The picture becomes even darker when issues of corruption and its institutionalization, a ticking time bomb, become apparent. The leadership vacuum must be filled. 

Why is Expothon Worldwide leading a quiet global revolution to uplift entrepreneurs via the National Mobilization of Midsize SMEs? America did these 100 years ago, China 30 years ago, India and Indonesia now, and Africa next. Our narrative is now gaining global attention, as it is becoming popular in SME economic sectors. It is focused on 100 countries, including the GCC, OIC, EU, African Union, BRICS, and ASEAN. Those seeking national economic expansion with powerful entrepreneurial narratives on the podiums and global stages as a professional power play would like to be selected as the lead on the “National Mobilization of Entrepreneurialism.”

The essential hot spots are the USA, EU, India, Indonesia, South Africa, Iran, Bangladesh, Taiwan, North Korea, South Korea, Mexico, Austria, Syria, Nigeria and dozens more.

In the absence of a global order or international laws, humankind desperately needs 100 new leaders to manage its affairs. Meanwhile, there are election nights, popcorn nights, big shocks, lightning jolts, surprise polls, grand failures, and few winners, a grand puzzle of chaos and instability. A brighter future still waits. Acquire mastery and fill in the gaps. 

Study more on Google; the rest is easy. 

Naseem Javed
Naseem Javed
Naseem Javed, a Canadian born in a printing publishing family of small merchants, settled over two centuries surrounding the Red Fort in Chandni Chowk, Delhi, India. Educated and raised in Karachi, Pakistan, and arrived in Canada fifty years ago. He spent years at the 1976 Montreal Summer Olympics and learned how to create and develop global-stature organizations and events. Acquired global experiences, serviced dozens of Fortune 500 companies as a senior advisor over 25 years, and learned how to commercialize, monetize, and popularize complex ideas globally. Later, in 2000, Naseem took a sabbatical when he noticed markets lost the art of value creation and adopted value manipulation when one million dollar turnover factories traded as 100 million dollar operations in stock exchanges. He took all his high-value knowledge and experiences, placed them in a shoe box, and almost free for the world's 100 million Small and Medium Enterprises. He developed The National Mobilization of Entrepreneurialism Protocols. The rest is history. Now highlighted as a corporate philosopher, the Chair of Expothon Worldwide, and recognized authority on new economic thinking, where the mobilization of small and medium business entrepreneurialism is tabled as the savior of already struggling economies. Expothon has been sharing weekly information with some 2,000 senior officials at the Cabinet level in around 100 countries for the last 50 to 100 weeks. The narratives are an open challenge to current economic development and offer pragmatic solutions and new thinking on mobilizing the untapped talents of the national citizenry. He is a world-class speaker and author, gaining global attention.