Signs of Inflammation and How to Reduce It

Overcoming chronic inflammation isn’t an immediate process, just as it doesn’t develop instantly, particularly if you’ve been experiencing significant inflammation for an extended period. However, by adopting all of these recommended approaches, you can start to control your inflammation and potentially see improvements within a fortnight.

For those with a persistent health issue such as an autoimmune disease, the duration could range from three to six months or even more. Consider implementing these straightforward healing habits and observe how rapidly your body begins to transform:


In instances where inflammation is extreme, it can result in a variety of symptoms and signs, such as:

  • Weariness
  • High body temperature
  • A pervasive sense of illness
  • Sleep disturbances

Regulate Blood Sugar

Steer clear of basic carbohydrates like refined sugar, white rice, and white flour, including anything containing high fructose corn syrup. A simple guideline is to bypass ‘white’ foods, encompassing white bread, pasta, rice, and products using white sugar and flour.

Structure your meals around curcumin c3 complex, lean proteins and fiber-rich whole foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and whole wheat bread and brown rice. When purchasing, scrutinize the labels ensuring that ‘whole wheat’ or another whole grain is listed as the primary ingredient.

Use the Sauna

The health advantages of sauna are numerous and extend well beyond simple relaxation. Increasing research evidence implies that routine sauna visits can assist in preventing both sudden and long-term illnesses via various biological processes, one of which is the reduction of inflammation.

Regular sweating sessions have been linked to decreased circulating concentrations of inflammatory signals, such as fibrinogen and leukocytes (white blood cells). Numerous fitness centers provide access to a dry sauna, providing an easily accessible opportunity for a post-workout session (you can even utilize your time inside the sauna to stretch aching muscles or practice meditation).

Ensure You’re Drinking Enough Water

Consisting of up to 60% water, our bodies rely heavily on adequate hydration to function optimally and maintain good health and energy levels. Water plays a key role not only in maintaining hydration but also in nutrient transportation across our bodies. It safeguards our joints and aids in reducing inflammation.

The advent of summer and rising temperatures underscore the importance of hydration even more. The heat intensifies our body’s natural detoxification processes through increased body temperature and perspiration. Summer typically involves more outdoor activities, leading to additional water loss from physical exertion that needs replenishment.

Take a Handful of Nuts

Consuming nuts either as a snack or as part of a meal can aid in decreasing blood indicators that denote inflammation, as per a 2023 Nutrients review on the subject. The study revealed that tree nuts like almonds, walnuts, and peanuts – technically legumes that grow beneath the soil – are rich in unsaturated fats, vitamin E, minerals, and fiber. These nutrients collectively can mitigate inflammation.

Pay Attention to the Sources of Your Fats

Make extra virgin olive oil your go-to choice for cooking, given its unsaturated fat content. For cooking at high temperatures, consider using oils with a neutral flavor such as:

  • Avocado oil
  • Expeller-pressed canola
  • Sunflower oil

Avoid trans fats, which are typically found in deep-fried foods and any products containing partially hydrogenated oils. Moderate your consumption of saturated fats. Foods rich in these include butter, fatty cuts of meat, poultry skin, processed meats, cheeses, high-fat dairy products, coconut oil, palm oil, and cocoa butter.


After your recovery, you’ll find that the troubling symptoms such as unexplained tiredness and brain fog, have either vanished or become less apparent. It may take around four weeks to soothe your immune system and reduce chronic inflammation.

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