Another virus is currently making headlines after the havoc the COVID-19 virus has brought — the Nipah virus or NiV. While it’s not a recent pathogen, its emergence has caused fear and apprehension among the masses still recovering from the recent pandemic.
If you’re one of those wondering about the scale of a possible outbreak, don’t fret. Read on to find out more about this virus and how it may affect the world.
The Frequency of an Outbreak
An outbreak is when there is a sudden increase in the occurrence of a specific disease in a community. It can happen at any time, especially if the disease is highly contagious.
You must remember that new viruses, bacteria, or fungi emerge now and can cause an outbreak. That’s why you must always be ready for what might happen, especially regarding your and your family’s health.
First, you must ensure that you boost your immune system to help your body fight illnesses caused by bacteria, viruses, or fungi. Additionally, it would also help if you acquire health and life insurance to protect your finances when disease is unavoidable.
You can use the free look period insurance companies give their policyholders to determine whether the insurance coverage you applied for is the one that suits your needs. By doing so, you’ll be confident that you’re giving yourself and your loved ones the protection you need.
Furthermore, you must remember that an outbreak isn’t a pandemic. An outbreak only occurs within a specific area. Meanwhile, a pandemic occurs in multiple countries or continents simultaneously.
The Emergence Of Nipah Virus
The Nipah virus has been around for years. It was first detected in Malaysia in 1998. It is a zoonotic virus that comes from animals and can be spread to humans. The most common carriers of the NiV virus are fruit bats or flying foxes.
NiV is considered a porcine neurologic, meaning the virus also causes illness in pigs. Moreover, it’s also known to be a respiratory illness when the disease spreads to humans.
This paramyxovirus type belongs to the same family as mumps, measles, Hendra virus, and RSV. It was named after the village in Malaysia, where it was first recorded.
Wil Nipah Virus: The Next Outbreak?
The Nipah virus, like any other disease, has the potential to become an outbreak. But remember, as was mentioned earlier, an outbreak only occurs within a specific location.
If the disease isn’t contained and will spread rapidly to other communities, it will likely become the next pandemic. But fortunately, the public learned from the COVID-19 pandemic. That’s why areas currently experiencing an outbreak of the Nipah virus are implementing the same health protocols that helped manage the COVID-19 virus.
The public has also become more aware of their surroundings after COVID-19 hit them hard. Many people learned the importance and how to perform proper hand hygiene to prevent the spread of diseases. They’ve also learned to wear masks and avoid crowded places as much as possible.
Even the usage of rubbing alcohol or hand sanitiser has increased due to the recent pandemic the world has experienced. With all the knowledge the public already learned, they can help prevent another pandemic from happening together.
The Danger of the Nipah Virus And Its Symptoms
It was reported that the fatality rate of the Nipah virus among infected individuals ranges from 40% to 75%. Depending on local resources for medical care and epidemiological monitoring, this rate may vary from outbreak to outbreak.
Human Nipah virus infections result in various clinical manifestations, including subclinical (asymptomatic) infections, acute respiratory infections, and life-threatening encephalitis.
The situation can worsen since there’s no available vaccine or treatment for the Nipah virus in both animals and humans. The only way to manage this disease is to provide supportive care to the infected patients.
Moreover, you can determine whether a person is infected by looking out for the symptoms. The common signs and symptoms of Nipah virus infection are the following:
Initial Symptoms
- Sore throat
- Cough
- Fever
- Vomiting
- Headache
- Difficulty Breathing
Severe Symptoms
- Seizures
- Disorientation or confusion
- Drowsiness
- Brain Swelling
- Coma
Given the symptoms above, the Nipah virus has a similarity with COVID-19. That’s why many people are starting to worry about the emergence of this virus in some countries in Asia in the past months.
The Nipah virus infections led to symptoms and death after exposure to the virus was reported. In the said report, the virus’s effect was noticed months and even years after exposure. This occurrence is known as latent or dormant infection.
Final Words
The Nipah virus is already starting an outbreak in areas in Asia. However, countries affected by the virus are taking extra precautionary measures to prevent the virus from spreading further and avoid a pandemic.
With how COVID-19 was managed, it’s safe to assume that the world is now prepared if a new virus emerges and causes another pandemic.