Think the Resolution to reduce the earth’s temperature by 1.5°C by 2050

2022 will change over the next year.  Many years are open through the examination and resolutions of the following year.  Of course, throughout 2022, a lot has happened in one’s life, and an individual provides self-assessment and goals and targets for future life.  Likewise the earth, much has happened all through 2022, but can the earth make its own resolutions in 2023?  This may be an odd question because the earth is obviously not human as you who read this article.  However, the earth is a home for humans and others who provide shelter and suffice and sustain life.  So, is the earth significant or not in resolution 2023?

 What occurred to the environment throughout 2022?

 Last November 2022, negotiators emerged from the COP27 climate summit with an agreement to establish a new funding stream called “loss and damage” which is climate damage accounting when all else has failed.  Communities at the frontline of the climate emergency.

 By 2022, there will be at least 13 major environmental issues, including the next ones.

Over the course of 2022, there were at least 13 major environmental challenges, including the following.

 Firstly, heating using fossil fuels.

 Over four million years ago, our planet had the lowest levels of carbon dioxide.  Rising greenhouse gas emissions have resulted in a rapid and steady rise in global temperatures, leading to catastrophic events worldwide.  A heatwave in the Antarctic caused temperatures to rise to more than 20 degrees for the first time.  Scientists have warned that the planet has passed a series of tipping points that could have catastrophic consequences such as the melting of the polar ice caps, the acceleration of mass extinction.  The climatic crisis leads to more frequent natural disasters.  Even if all greenhouse gas emissions cease immediately, global temperatures will continue to rise over the next several years if we do not invest in renewable energy sources.

 Second, Bad governance.  Economist Nicholas Stern says the climate crisis has been caused by multiple market failures.  Emissions reductions require not only funding, but also other policies that can overcome market failures.  The present structure of the carbon tax does not correspond to the pollution profile of energy sources.  Furthermore, organizations such as the UN are considered unsuitable for climate change, because it was formed to prevent another world war, UN members are not given the mandate to comply with every suggestion and recommendation made by the organization, for example the Paris agreement which did not go well.

Thirdly, food waste.  Up to 1.3 billion tons of human food have been wasted globally.  That is enough to support three billion people.  These wastes and losses account for one-third of greenhouse gas emissions annually.  In the developed world, 40% of food waste comes from retail and consumer sources.  Meanwhile, in the developing world, 40 percent of food waste occurs after harvesting and processing.

Fourthly, there is biodiversity loss.  Over the past 50 years, there has been a rapid growth in human consumption, population, global trade and urbanization, leading humanity to use more of the Earth’s resources.  A recent WWF report found that populations of mammals, fish, birds, reptiles and amphibians declined on average by 68% from 1970 to 2016. The report attributes biodiversity loss to several factors, including land.  Convert forests, grasslands and mangroves into an agricultural system.  Some animals are also heavily impacted by the wildlife trade and are facing extinction.  More than 500 species of terrestrial animals are on the verge of extinction and are expected to die out in the next 20 years.

Fiveth, plastic pollution.  A report by the science journal, Nature, determined that currently, around 14 million tons of plastic enter the oceans annually, destroying the habitats of wildlife and the animals that live in them. The plastic crisis will increase to 29 million tons a year by 2040 if nothing is done.  Even more surprising is that National Geographic found that 91% of all plastic never produced is not recycled.  We can imagine how people live with plastic garbage that takes 400 years to decompose.

Sixth, Deforestation.  Every hour, a forest as large as 300 football fields is cut.  It is estimated that in 2030, the planet will have only 10% of forests if deforestation is not stopped.  Everything can vanish in under a hundred years.  The primary cause for deforestation is agriculture.  Land cleared for the rearing or plantation of certain crops such as oil palm and sugar cane.  In addition to absorbing carbon, forests contribute to the prevention of soil erosion and are a renewable energy source.

Seventh, air pollution.  Research from WHO has shown that an estimated 4.2 to 7 million people die from air pollution worldwide every year and 9 out of 10 people breathe air containing high levels of pollutants.

Eighth, melting ice sheets and rising sea levels.  Currently, sea levels are rising at twice the rate they have been during most of the 20th century due to rising temperatures on Earth.  Sea levels rise by an average of 3.2 mm per year on a global scale and will continue to rise by about 0.7 meters by the end of the century.

Ninth sea acidification.  The Earth’s oceans absorb about 30 per cent of the carbon dioxide emitted into the Earth’s atmosphere.  This is due to the higher concentration of carbon emissions released due to human activities such as the burning of fossil fuels, as well as the effects of global climate change such as an increase in forest fires.  Changes in pH can have a significant impact on ocean acidity levels, which can negatively impact the lives of marine ecosystems.  The most feared thing about ocean acidification is the bleaching of coral reefs which then causes coral reefs to disappear.

Tenth, agriculture.  Agricultural production frees up greenhouse gases like nitrous oxide through the use of fertilizers.  Studies have shown that the global food system accounts for a third of all human-induced greenhouse gas emissions, 30% of which comes from livestock and fisheries.

 Eleventh, food and water insecurity which results in around 1.1 billion people worldwide lacking access to water, and a total of 2.7 billion people have experienced water scarcity for at least one month a year.

Twelfth, Fast fashion and textile scrap.  Textile waste is still seldom highlighted, but the rapid fashion style that is developing also has an impact on the pollution of the planet Earth.

 Lastly, overfishing.  The requirement for more protein causes overfishing.  This situation can be detrimental to the environment, one of which is loss of biodiversity levels.

2023 resolution to pretend the temperature is going up.

 Several efforts can be made to reduce the long-term rise in Earth’s temperature, such as:

 The reduction of coal-fired power stations must be six times as rapid.  At least before 2050, the world reduced PLTB by nearly 1,000 units.  In addition, adding electric buses to major cities around the world reduces carbon production by 10 times at cement plants, which produce 500 million tonnes of CO2 emissions annually.  Then restraining 2.5 times the rate of deforestation than usual, reducing eating burgers, switching to green buildings that are energy efficient and environmentally friendly, and finally reducing subsidies for fossil fuels that must be five times faster.  Keep in mind that no matter the quality of the resolution, it will not mean actual action and consistency.

Syarifah Huswatun Miswar
Syarifah Huswatun Miswar
Syarifah Huswatun Miswar (孙美琳) from Indonesia. She received a Master of Law in International Relations from the School of International and Public Affairs, Jilin University, China. She is a research analyst with an emphasis on Environmental in International Relations issues. Now she is doing her doctoral degree in Central China Normal University (CCNU) in International Relations.