Why Consider Embracing Your Ancestral Heritage Abroad

While immigration is an emerging trend today, people have been doing it for centuries. Not surprisingly, millions of Americans can trace their roots in other parts of the world as their ancestors relocated to the US decades ago. A significant number of people have an Italian connection, and the good thing is that the country allows them to claim citizenship by descent. If you want to know more about the option, you may get a legal consultation with Bersani Law Firm&Partners in this context. But you will probably have second thoughts about stepping out of your comfort zone and getting back to your roots. Let us explain why you should consider embracing your ancestral heritage abroad.

Know your extended family

Having ancestral connections in another country means you will probably have an extended family there. You may know some of your kin, while others may be long-lost over decades. But tracing your family tree is an exciting prospect, and you can do it by embracing your ancestral heritage. Talk to your parents, grandparents, and other aging members of the family to learn about others in your bloodline. You may even consider traveling to their country to find them and reconnect to rebuild one big family again. The feeling of meeting your kin is unmatched.

Get a chance to settle overseas

Besides reconnecting with your extended clan, you can even think of settling in the land of your ancestors for good. Italy lets people with ancestral connections claim citizenship by descent through Jure Sanguinis. The process is pretty straightforward, and you can get in without a lot of hard work. But the gender of your ancestor may change the route a bit as people with female ascendants who gave birth before 1948 have to apply through a court process. Hiring a citizenship expert is the best option as they ensure complete documentation and no errors in the process.

Pass on a legacy to your children and beyond

Embracing your ancestral heritage abroad also enables you to pass on a great legacy to the next generations. You can help them know their cousins, uncles, and aunts abroad by reconnecting the broken family chain again. Consider planning a family trip to the country so that your kids get a slice of the heritage and culture they belong to. Moving overseas is an even better idea as it opens up the next generations to a better life. For example, the Italian passport is among the best ones, and claiming embracing your ancestral citizenship by descent lets you pass it on to your children, grandchildren, and beyond. You cannot give a better legacy to the next in line!

Tracking your ancestors and embracing your heritage are the best things to do. You have a better reason if you can trace your bloodline in another country. Nothing gets more exciting than connecting with your family and introducing your kids to a new culture. You may even move abroad and start a new life in the land of your ascendants.