Do and Don’t Tips When Going Traveling by Backpacking

There are many ways that tourists can enjoy a tour. For some people who like activities with clear plans, they can travel together with tour guides or travel packages, but for those who prefer activities without a schedule and more free, they can travel by backpacker way. For example, immersing yourself in a backpacking tour in Melbourne opens the door to a dynamic urban experience, where diverse street art, eclectic neighborhoods, and bustling markets await your exploration.

Both are equally used to enjoy travel, only the method and process is different. If you use tour guides & travel packages, they are usually more time bound and need extra costs to pay for tour guides/buy travel packages at a predetermined price. Meanwhile, for backpackers, it is a tour that is carried out without the use of a tour guide. Usually individually or in small groups of 2-4 people. Backpacker can also be interpreted as someone who travels on a limited budget. So that in doing this trip usually many unexpected conditions can occur. However, backpacker travel has many advantages such as being able to feel the essence of travel more, getting to know many new people during the trip, practicing independence, and being able to more freely manage time and costs during the trip. In addition, because backpacking is carried out without a tour guide, there are usually infinite obstacles that can occur.

To minimize risks and problems that are not expected to be able to make some preparations before going backpacking. Here are 6 tips that can be do before traveling the backpacker way:

Do a detailed calculation before leaving. Before leaving for a backpacker, make sure your financial condition is sufficient so that the traveling process can be carried out calmly and comfortably without fear of running out of money. Try to detail any expenses that might occur so that we will not spend money carelessly and can keep costs down. So that travel planning is the first step that must be done to make the trip easier.

Conduct a survey by looking for information related to the places we will visit. This survey was carried out as a whole, namely tourist locations, lodging places, transportation that can be used and the normal range of food prices and transportation costs. This needs to be done in order to make it easier for us to do backpacking and avoid the possibility of being cheated by people or being priced more expensively. Because usually foreign tourists will get prices more expensive if they are not good at bargaining prices or if they don’t know the original price

Limit the items to be brought. This is done to avoid wasting space on the backpack that we use. Because later we will be traveling with a backpack, it is necessary to carry not too many items so that we are more free to travel and not be bothered with too many items.

Bring the important stuff. Important items that must be carried when doing this backpacking include: medicine needs to be carried because it makes it easier for us when sick or in a condition that requires temporary treatment so as to avoid bad things, then there are security devices, just in case it is necessary to bring at least one safety device that small and can be stored in a place that is easily accessible by hand, this is important in case something is dangerous. This safety device can be in the form of pepper spray, electric shock or etc. Then the next item that must be brought is money and cash. Carrying cash in small denominations is also important to make the payment process more effective and fast.

Use promos. When traveling to reduce costs, always check the promos available in various applications, be it promos for travel tickets, promos when buying food, hotel or other promos. As long as the promo can be used, it must be used as much as possible.

Make sure you have a healthy and optimal body condition. Health is one of the important things that must be taken care of before becoming a backpacker because if we travel with an unhealthy body condition, it is feared that we will fall ill at tourist sites so that we cannot enjoy vacation time. This is of course very unfortunate and not expected to happen.

While the above are tips that can be done before backpacking, there are also some things that should not be done when going on a backpacker trip. Some tips that should don’t or even avoided when backpacking include:

Don’t trust people easily. When traveling we must increase our anxiety and be more sensitive to conditions that we can experience at any time. Because crime sometimes arises because of our opportunities and carelessness. So that at any time when we are careless we can be deceived by bad people. Therefore, do not easily believe in suspicious offers and gifts from strangers.

Don’t do things that are not polite and litter when we go on a backpacker trip, both during the trip and when we arrive at our destination. We must be polite and courteous. So that we can travel comfortably without causing problems with other people.

Don’t want to be forced to buy an item, on a backpacker trip to a tourist spot there will be many traders who offer their wares and even tend to be pushy. But if you really don’t want to buy and don’t really need it, don’t buy the item even if you are forced to, this is important to save expenses. Because it would be better if we spend money to buy goods according to our wishes and according to initial planning.

By implementing do and don’t tips when traveling by backpacking, it is hoped that it can reduce problems that arise when backpacking. So that the tour can be enjoyed comfortably if no problems arise and enjoy the holiday according to their respective goals. Because everyone’s vacation goals can vary, some want to get to know new cultures, relax their minds, heal and rest in new places they have never visited.

Heppy Noor Affifah
Heppy Noor Affifah
Laboratory Assistant at Universitas Islam Indonesia