New Argentine and Latin American Think Tank: the Jorge Abelardo Ramos Institute

This Wednesday, April 6 in the city of Buenos Aires, at the headquarters of the UOM (Union of the Metallurgical Workers –of Argentina-) the Jorge Abelardo Ramos Institute has been officially established.

The brand new institute bears the name of the Argentinian historian and thinker of Latin American inclination, one of the main representatives of the ideological and political tendency known as the “National Left” (in Argentina) whose premise was the search for synthesis -in theory and praxis- among the great nationalist and popular movements in the region (such as Peronism in Argentina) that would vindicate the concept of “Patria Grande” combined with the ideas of a “Criollo Socialism”.

The goal of the Jorge Abelardo Ramos Institute is the conservation and dissemination of the works of the greatest exponents of the tradition of the “Patria Grande”, such as the thinkers José Vasconcelos, Manuel Ugarte and Alberto Methol Ferré, thinkers that shared a regionalist rhetoric and praxis.

This event had the participation as speakers of Victor Ramos, Director of the Institute (journalist, filmmaker and politician, son of the historian and thinker by whom the center of studies bears its name) and the Vice-Chief of Staff of Argentina, Jorge Neme.

Representatives of the Peruvian, Bolivian and Paraguayan communities in Argentina were also present, along with several scholars: Pablo Fontdevila, Álvaro Fontana, Miguel Ángel Barrios, and Juan Martin González Cabañas. Political leaders were also present; Alejandro Karlen for the Mercosur Parliament and in digital format the Uruguayan senator Marcos Methol observed the event.

With the presentation of the new node of strategic and critical thinking, Victor Ramos argued about the need for the exercise of historical revisionism:

  • We do historical revisionism because our history (Argentine and Latin American history) was falsified and is falsified daily”.

And based on this statement, Ramos highlighted the importance of drawing up a “road map” so that Argentines and Latin Americans know more about their origins and identity, to ask questions about their future.

The Vice-Chief of Staff of Argentina, Jorge Neme highlighted the role of Jorge Abelardo Ramos as an interpreter of popular causes in the history of Argentina (and Latin America) and ended the event highlighting that:

  • in the works of Jorge Abelardo Ramos there is a huge Conceptual Framework and Open Thinking to find the path we need to approach and solve the current complex phenomena