China Contributes to International Peace and Stability: Evidence from the Russo-Ukrainian War

Some members of the U.S. Congress, particularly Republicans, are advocating for the United States to take a more severe stance in the Ukraine conflict. A Republican Party official is asking for President Putin’s head, while others are demanding for American jets to be flown into Ukraine, a no-fly zone imposed, and an escalation of Russia’s formidable embargo. In Western hegemony, Ukraine is nothing more than a bait to draw Russia into the abyss. Those in the United States and those outside the United States are well aware of the destructive nature of hegemonic methods.

In his time in office, President Donald Trump, who was part of the governing elite’s most militant wing, has fallen short of the aim in his trade war with China. Failed attempts to provoke and exacerbate China’s conflict were mostly due to the tense relationship between the United States and most of its allies at the time, as well as President Putin’s posture, which discouraged the United States from continuing its provocative efforts.

When it came to US foreign policy-making, it was evident that this group of big arms firms (as well as pressure groups that gain directly or indirectly from policies aimed at increasing tensions in international relations) was at the top of the list. After its attempts to inflame tensions with China failed, it resorted during the presidency of Joe Biden to focusing on Russia as the centre of its rivalry.

After all these years, the ultimate goal remains the same: to thwart China’s ascent towards global prominence and to keep Russia from reclaiming its former position as the world’s preeminent power following the collapse of the Soviet Union and its subsequent dissolution. A simple shift in the order of power, starting with China or Prussia, is all that has occurred. To express his goal to restore Russia’s global clout, President Putin didn’t just wake up one day and declare it his mission to do so.

When we look back at the Atlantic Alliance expansions in Central and Eastern Europe, we can see how far he has come since taking power. Before Russia’s influence reached Equatorial Africa, he reclaimed his country’s practice of growth. He was aware of the recent developments in Ukraine. The Ukraine is not just another European country, but an integral part of the Russian cultural, imperial, religious, and security organism no matter what colour its rule is or how large its regional and international duties are.

Russia’s political elite, including the intelligence community, have long held the belief that when the United States intended to pluck Putin’s Russia’s feathers; it will begin in Ukraine rather than Georgia and Chechnya. During the Trump administration, however, as well as, although with much less concentration, during the Biden era, it became evident that China tried and succeeded in evading many American traps. America’s battle with Russia has made President Joe Biden unavailable for use in the country’s dispute with China. That is not to say that China’s academics didn’t anticipate America to launch its hot or cold fights with its Russian and Chinese adversaries as soon as the American infrastructure had been ravaged and damaged.

As it turns out, the Russians anticipated Washington to view them as a less serious danger than the Chinese, but this wouldn’t have started with Russia until the Atlantic alliance came together and rallied behind the United States. The Communist Party of China (CPC) is still keen not to be dragged into serious international crises, whether with neighbour or non-Asians, despite the many changes to Chinese foreign policy that have been made.

There’s no doubt, that Deng Xiaoping’s wisdom still rules and binds the CPC under President Xi Jinping. According to China’s policymakers, the United States is aiming to “stop China’s rise” at all costs, in both its declared strategy and the rules of its undeclared policies. If China’s “ambitions and its rising influence on all continents” are not reined in by “armed force,” the United States should try to re-establish “absolute unipolarity” following the Soviet breakup, by any means, including armed force.

To put it another way, the Ukraine crisis is for Russia a long-overdue lesson, while it serves as an early and indirect one for China. This means that Beijing was correct in not aligning with Moscow as a full and integrated partner in this battle. If the pillars of American power had been brought together, the trap laid in Ukraine might have spread to Russia and China at the same time. Moreover, China did not blunder in her future moves, such as investing in worldwide reactions, to accurately evaluate the circumstances of her next steps.

It’s well-known among historians that China enjoys repurposing the sayings, opinions, and experiences of famous people throughout the course of its long history. When China was just beginning to grow, for example, they had a hand in starting the positive neutrality movement and later serving as its head. As a result of the Ukraine crisis, phrases ascribed to Zhou Enlai, the prime minister of the Chinese revolution in mid-century, have returned to the forefront of the Chinese stance today; such as “peaceful coexistence” and “non-interference in other nations’ internal affairs” have been circulated.

In light of the current Ukraine issue, it’s crucial to point out that developing nations have re-established these ideals to explain their governments’ and peoples’ outrage at the hegemonic conflicts being perpetrated by the American and Russian poles. When the two adults and their little victims get into arguments, chaos ensues. If the developing nations repeat these inflammatory slogans or old-fashioned beliefs, China will recognize that they have an important part to play.

All of the developing world’s perspectives on the Ukraine issue have been made public, and they denounce both sides. There were two major parties: one led by America, which overran its own armies, invading sovereign countries and not seeking permission from the Security Council to do so, and one led by Russia, which also intervened with armies to invade sovereign countries and not seeking permission from the Security Council. Thousands of people have been forced to flee their homes as a result of the occupation of neighbouring Ukraine.

It’s true that China, as an ascendant rebellious pole, is expected to take the lead in a movement initiated by independent and non-aligned countries to eliminate hegemony and colonialism. World peace can’t be established or stabilized unless Russia and the U.S. reject bigotry in insisting that international summits remain the exclusive realm of white people, as China has demonstrated. The crisis in Ukraine has been and continues to be eye-opening. In the first place, it exposed Europe’s deception about human rights to the peoples of the developing world by separating the blue-eyed white IDP from the brown-and-yellow IDP.

First and foremost: It made clear that, as in Europe’s first big crises, China and her narrow-eyed yellow people are unfathomable as the leader of a globe still ruled by forces that practice racism. There were striking similarities between the United States’ management of the Ukraine issue, as well as Russia and its European neighbours, and its handling of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. The Ukraine conflict might take a number of different directions. The fate that awaits the globe if the United States and other European countries continue on pushing Russia into danger or down a more severe route is the most serious and hazardous of them. This is where we hope that China, depending on support from the developing world, would intervene to save the West from itself, avert the murder of Ukraine, set Russia on a new route that it has never followed before, and restore hope to the developing world in a future without hegemony or tyranny.

Mohamad Zreik
Mohamad Zreik
Mohamad Zreik is an independent researcher, doctor of international relations. His areas of research interests are related to the Foreign Policy of China, Belt and Road Initiative, Middle Eastern Studies, China-Arab relations, East Asian Affairs, Geopolitics of Eurasia, and Political Economy. Mohamad has many studies and articles published in high ranked journals and well-known international newspapers. His writings have been translated into many languages, including French, Arabic, Spanish, German, Albanian, Russian, Bosnian, Bulgarian, etc.