The Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Heads of Delegation of the Member States of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), participated in the 48th Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers, held in Islamabad, Pakistan, on 22-23 March 2022.
OIC is one of the second largest International organizations just after the UN. It has 57 countries as its members and represents the Muslim world. It was established after the Jews set on fire the Holy Mosque Aqsa in Palestine, Jerusalem in 1967. Its mandate is to highlight the problems and issues of Muslim Ummah and protect the rights of the Muslim world.
During the last two decades, Muslims have suffered a lot, millions were killed, injured, made homeless, and forced t live in refugees camps in their own countries or to take refuge in other countries. Either, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, or Arab spring, the Muslim world was destabilized and destroyed. There is consensus that Muslims are victimized globally and are targeted. By design, the Muslims were radicalized, groups and individuals were funded to promote intolerance, extremism, and terrorism. Several groups were created, funded, armed, and trained for terrorism, Insurgencies, and guerrilla warfare. Unholy media, also played a dirty role in propagating fake news, fabricated stories, and projecting a negative image of Muslims. Deliberately, a distorted narrative was propagated about Muslims. The instant response after 9/11, was “crusade”, without any investigation, or evidence. Since then, Muslims were targeted and victimized.
Although some of the rulers are pro-America, public sentiments are anti-America in the Muslim world.
Under this scenario, the 4th Session was very important and made concrete decisions and the Islamabad declaration is a milestone that can project the future course of action.
Muslims were urged for unity, Guided by the noble injunctions of Islam and the Quranic verse – “Hold firm to the rope of Allah collectively and create no dissensions” and “The believers are naught else than brothers; therefore, make peace between your brethren and fear Allah that happily, ye may attain mercy”,
Islam is a religion of Peace, resolving to pursue a shared global vision for peace, security, development, and human rights grounded in faithful adherence to universal principles of equity and justice, sovereign equality, territorial integrity, and non-interference in the internal affairs of states, reaffirming the Member States’ commitment to the principles and objectives of the UN and OIC Charters, in particular, to safeguard and protect their common interests; to support their just causes; and to coordinate and unify their efforts to collectively address the challenges confronting the Muslim Ummah, desirous of promoting harmony, tolerance, peaceful co-existence, better standards of life, human dignity and understanding among all peoples. Noting the growing threats to international peace and security as well as the increasing tensions and instability in many parts of the world, aggravated by long-standing unresolved conflicts, pervasive Islamophobia, and deliberate attempts to tarnish the sacred image of Islam and to undermine the Muslim world’s peaceful coexistence with other cultures and religions. Concerned by the intensifying geopolitical competition, arms race, humanitarian and climate crises, social and economic inequalities, and their negative impacts on the people as well as on global political, security, and economic order. Expressing deep concern over the ongoing armed conflicts including in Europe and emphasizing the need for ending hostilities, preventing loss of lives, enhancing humanitarian assistance, and surge in diplomacy. Conscious also of the myriad of economic, scientific, and technological opportunities for harnessing international trade, investments, and connectivity through partnerships. Convinced that over 1.5 billion Muslims, across five continents, endowed by the Almighty Allah with tremendous, spiritual, human, and material resources, are destined to realize for themselves greater social, economic, scientific, and technological development and integration within the Muslim world and beyond.
Muslims are a productive element of this world and have been contributing to the socio-economic developments of humankind. They have spread all over the world and played a vital role in serving the great cause of humankind. It is believed that the Muslims may gain their lost tradition and due recognition in world affairs. They are willing to play a share of their responsibility in global affairs. A perception about Muslims needs to be rectified and a recognition of their true potential for peace globally.